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vocal chapter 1 & 2

Psychology scientific study of thought and behavior
Cognitive psychology the study of how people perceive, remember, think, speak and solve problems
Development psychology how thought and behavior change and remain stable across the life span
Biological psychology the relationship between bodily system and chemicals and how they influence though and behavior
Behavioral neuroscience studies link among brain, mind and behavior
Personality psychology what makes people unique and the consistence in people behavior across time and situations
Social psychology study of how living among others influence thought, feeling and behavior
*Clinical psychology diagnosis and treatment of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders and promotion of psychological health
*Counseling psychology diagnosis and treatment of mental, emotional and behavioral disorder and promotion of psychological health
Health psychology role psychological factors play in regard to health and illness
Educational psychology study of how students learn, the effectiveness of particular teaching techniques, social psychology of schools and the psychology of teaching
*School psychology practice by counselors in school setting
Industrial/organizational(I/o) psychology application of psychological concepts and questions to work setting
Sport psychology factors that affect performance, participation in sports and exercise
Forensic psychology blend of psychology, law and criminal justice
Shamans medicine men/woman who treat people w/mental problems by driving out their demons w/ elaborate rituals, such as exorcism, incantation and prayers
*Trephination drilling a small hole in a persons skull, usually less than an inch in diameter
Asylums facilities for treating mentally ill In Europe during the middle ages and into the 19th century
Moral treatment 19th cent approach to treat the mentally ill with dignity in a caring environment
Psychoanalysis clinically based approach to understanding and treating psychological disorder, assumes that the unconscious mind is the most powerful force behind though and behavior
Empiricism the view that all knowledge and thoughts come from experience
Psychophysics the study of how people psychologically perceive physical stimuli
Structuralism breaking down experience into elements to understand thought and behavior
Introspection looking into the mind for information about nature of conscious experience
Funcionalism Study of psychology that argued it was better to look at why the mind works they way it does tan to describe it's parts
Behaviorism psychology can be a true science only if it examines observable behavior, not idea, thoughts and feelings
Humanistic psychology personal growth and meaning as a way of reaching ones highest potential
Positive psychology a scientific approach to studying, understanding and promoting healthy and positive psychological functioning
Gestalt psychology a theory of psychology that maintains that we perceive things as wholes rather than as compilation of parts
Evolution change over time in the frequency with which specific genes occur within a breeding species
Natural selection feedback process that nature favors one design over other because of impact on reproduction
Adaptation inherited solution to ancestral problems that have been selected for because the contribute in some way to reproductive success
Evolutionary psychology branch of psychology that studies human behavior by asking what adaptive problems it may have solved for our early ancestors
Nature through nurture the positive that the environment constantly interacts with biology to shape who we are and what we do.
Soft wiring biological systems-genes, brain structures and brain cells, are inherited but open to modification from the environment
Scientific thinking using cognitive skills required to generate, tests, revise theories
*Theory sets of related assumption from which scientists can make testable prediction
Hypothesis specific, informed, testable prediction of the outcome that should occur under certain conditions
Replications to confirm results, essential to scientific process
Pseudoscience claims presented as scientific that are not supported by evidence obtained with scientific method
Research designs plans for how to conduct a study
Variable characteristic that changes or varies, age, gender, weight, intelligent, anxiety and extraversion
Population a group a researcher is interested in
Sample subsets of the population studied in a research project
Descriptive designs researcher defines a problem and variable of interest but makes no prediction and does not control/ manipulate anything
Case study a therapist observes 1 person over a long period of time
Naturalistic observation researchers observe/record behavior in real world
Representative sample a research sample that reflects the population
Meta analysis research technique for combining all research on one question and drawing conclusions
Effect size measure of strength of the relationship between 2 variables of the extent of experimental effect
Correlational designs measure 2 or more variable and relationship to one another, not designed to show causation
Correlation coefficients statistics that range from -1 to +1and asses strength and direction of associating between 2 variable
Experiment a research design that includes independent and dependent variable and random assignment of participants to control and experimental groups or conditions
IV manipulated by an experimenter under controlled condition to determine weather it caused the predicted outcome of an experiment
DV In experiments, the outcome of a response to an experiment manipulation
Random assignment method to assign participants to different research conditions to get a different groups of people to represent the population
Control group participants who are treats as same as experimental but do not receive IV
Experimental group participants who receive treatment or whatever it thought to change behavior
Placebo appears to look like the actual treatment but lacks active substance
Confounding variable variable whose influence on dependent variable cannot be separated from IV being examined
Single blind studies participants do not know the experimental condition to what they have been assigned
Double blind participants and researchers do not know what they have been assigned too
Experimenter expectancy effect behavior of participants is influenced by experimenter knowledge of who is in which condition
Self-fulfilling prophecy a statement that affects events to cause the prediction to become true
Measures tools and techniques use to asses thought and behavior
Self report written or oral accounts of a person’s thoughts, feeling or actions
Social desirability bias tendency toward favorable self presentation, which could lead to inaccurate self reports
Behavioral measures Systematic observation of peoples action either in their normal environment (naturalistic observation) or in a laboratory setting
Physiological measures bodily responses such as blood pressure, heart rate, use to determine changes in psychological state
Statistic collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of numeric data
Descriptive statistic measure used to describe and summarize research
Mean adding all numbers and dividing by total number
Median middle score
Mode frequently occurring score
Standard deviation statistical measure of how much scores in a sample vary around the mean
Frequency number of times a particular score occurs in a set of data
Normal distribution plot of how frequent data are symmetrical, most scores in the middle and a few are extremes
Inferential statistics analyses of data that allow to test hypotheses and make inferences and inference how a sample score is to occur in population. draw conclusions
t-test compare two means to see whether they could come from sample populating
ethics rules governing the conduct of a person or group in general or in a specific situation-write or wrong
debriefing to inform participants of exact purpose of study, hypothesis, deception practices
institutional review board evaluate proposals to make research involving humans do not cause undue harm or distress
quasi experimental design like an experimental design but use naturally occurring groups rather than randomly assigned ones
scientific method procedures by which scientist conduct research consisting of the five basic processes of observation, prediction, testing, interpretation and communication
industrial side matching employees to their jobs and uses psychological principles and methods to select employees and evaluate job performance
organizational side make workers more productive/satisfied by how work enviorment, managment style influence motivation, satifactoty/ productivity
nature view who we are come from inborn tendencies and genetically based traits
nuture view same as birth and we are product of our experience
by products features that did not arise through natural selection ex. feathers for birds
Created by: Brightonvball
Popular Psychology sets




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