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Learning a relatively permanent change in knowledge or behavior
Classical Condition Every time someone flushes a toilet in the apartment building, the shower becomes very hot and causes the person to jump back. Over time, the person begins to jump back automatically after hearing the flush, before the water temperature changes (NS+S)
Operant conditioning Your father gives you a credit card at the end of your first year in college because you did so well. As a result, your grades continue to get better in your second year.It is voluntary
Neutral stimulus does not bring the response of interest (first time the dog see the bell)
Uncondition Stimulus It naturally bring a particular responses without being learned the meat
Unconditioned responses respose that is natural need no training (salivation at the smell of food
Conditioned Stimulus after training is complete the neural stimulus is the CS (the bell no can stimulate the dog without food)
Conditioned response A response after conditioned follow a previously Neutral Stimulus (salivating at the sound of bell without food)
Extinction The process of ending the UCS and CS when it is done many times ( the dog will stop salivate if the bell is ring without Food)
Spontaneous recovery When a CR has been extinguished and a period of time has passed without the presentation of the CS ( drug addict urge to use cocaine after seeing something similar like white powder)
Stimulus Generalization Tape place when a CR occurs in the presence of a stimulus similar to the original CS ( Like when u fear a white rat u fear a white furry)
Stimulus Discremination Organism learn to differentiate from one stimulus to another and respond only to one not the other (Dog recognize machine to open dog food but not the food processor machines)
Law effect responses with satisfying result will be repeated and those less would be less likely repeated
Reinforcement A stimulus increase the probability that a preceding behavior will be repeated ( Releasing the food by pressing the lever)no mention of the lever
Reinforcer Any stimulus that increase the probability that preceding behavior will be repeated (food)
Primary reinforcer Satisfy a biological needs without regard to prior experience
Secondary reinforcer A stimulus that reinforce associated with a PR
Positive reinforcement Bring about an increase in the preceding response ( if u smile u got candy)
Negative R Increase in desired when removed (using cream when skin is dry ) cream increase the response
Punishment Refers to a stimulus that decrease the probability that a behavior will be repeated
Positive P The application of an unpleasant stimulus ( spanking, yelling at a child when he stole something
Negative P Removal of something like a car key from a child because of bad grade
Schedule of R The frequency and timing of reinforcement depend on the use
Continuous R Behavior that is reinforce all the time
Partial R behavior reinforcement is use some of the time but not for every response
Fix Ratio delivers a reinforcement after a certain number of responses
Variable ratio deliver reinforcement on the basis of a varying number of responses
Fixed interval Deliver reinforcement to the first behavior occuring after a set interval or period o f time (period of time)
Variable Interval deliver reinforcement after a varying interval of time
Stimulus control A behavior is reinforced in the presence of specific stimuli
Shaping Shape the desired by rewarding closer and closer approximation.
Behavior modification Theory to change behavior by eliminating undesirable behavior and encouraging desirable one
Reward Similar to the idea of positive reinforcer
Latent Learning Behavior that is learned not demonstrated until reinforcement is provided for demonstracting the behavior
Cognitive Learning T An approach to the study of learning that focuses on the thought process that underline learning
Observational L Learning by observing the behavior of another person
Stage of sleep Stage one: the stage of transition to sleep brain wave are rapid low voltage. Stage two: slower and more regualr wavesometimes sharply pointed wave. Stage three: wave become slowerwith higher peak and lower valleys Stage four: Slower wave pattern.
Stage four Experienced soon after falling a sleep ( sleep become lighter and chacterized by dream)
REM Period of sleep asssociated with with most of our dream is REM occupies 20% of the sleep time
Night terrorist Bad dream
Created by: senegal
Popular Psychology sets




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