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Cervical Spine

Projections,positions,Area of interest, best seen criteria for Cervical Spine

What is the area of interest for a Open Mouth Odontoid position of the Cervical spine? C1 and C2 - Zygapophyseal joints
What is the SID for a open mouth odontoid position of the cervical spine? 40" SID
What is the direction of the CR for an AP projection open mouth position of the cervical spine? Perpendicular to center of the IR or(angle 5deg to get incisors off of dens)
Where do you center for an open mouth position of the cervical spine? Parallel with the Mentomeatal line; Center midsagittal plane of body to midline of grid
What is the area of interest for an AP Fuchs position of the cervical spine? Dens within the foramen magnum
What is the direction of the CR for an AP Fuchs position of the cervical spine? Perpendicular to midpoint of the IR; parallel to the MML (mentomeatal line) directed to the tip of mandible
What is the SID for an AP Fuchs position of the cervical spine? 40" SID
What do you want to see on an AP Axial position of the cervical spine? Open intervertebral disk spaces
What is the area of interest for a AP axial position of the cervical spine? Area from C3 to T2/T3
Where do you center for an AP Axial position of the cervical spine? At level of C4 - Center midsagittal plane of body to center line of IR
At what angle and in what direction is the angulation of the CR for an AP Axial position of the cervical spine? Directed through C4 at angle of 15deg - 20deg cephalic
What do you want to see on a Lateral position of the cervical spine? Zygapophyseal-joints and open intervertebral disk spaces
What is the area of interest for a Lateral position of the cervical spine? Area from C1 through C7/T1, Zygapophyseal joint spaces, open intervertebral disk spaces
If you are not able to visualize C7/T1 on a lateral projection of the cervical spine, what is an additional procedure that must be performed? Cervicothoracic - Lateral Swimmers
Where do you center for a lateral position of the cervical spine? At level of C4 (top of IR 1 inch above EAM)
What does MML stand for? Mentomeatal line
What does EAM stand for? External Acoustic Meatus
What does OML stand for? Orbitomeatal Line
What is the direction of the CR for a Lateral position of the cervical spine? Perpendicular to C4 at level of the thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple)
What is the SID for a lateral position of the cervical spine? 72" SID
What projections are used for visualizing the mobility of the cervical spine? Lateral Hyperflexion & Hyperextension
What is the SID for a Lateral Hyperflexion/Hyperextension of the cervical spine? 72" SID
What is the area of interest for a lateral hyper flexion/hyperextension of the cervical spine? Area of C1-C7, spinous processes in profile, open intervertebral disk spaces, Zygapophyseal-joint spaces
Where do you center for a lateral hyper flexion/hyperextension of the cervical spine? At level of C4 (top of IR 2 inches above EAM)
What is the direction of the CR for lateral hyper flexion/hyperextension of the cervical spine? Horizontal and perpendicular to C4 or at level of the thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple)
What is the respiration for a lateral cervical spine projection? Suspend respiration at the end of full expiration to obtain maximum depression of the shoulders
What is the area of interest on an Axial Oblique position of the cervical spine? Intervertebral foramina
What is the SID for an AP/PA Axial Oblique position of the cervical spine? 60-72" SID to reduce magnification due to OID
For an AP Axial Oblique of a cervical spine with the patient in RPO/LPO, which side is the area of interest? Side up or Side down? AP - SIDE UP area of interest
For an PA Axial Oblique of a cervical spine with the patient in RAO/LAO, which side is the area of interest? Side up or Side down? PA - SIDE DOWN area of interest
What is the degree of body rotation for a Oblique projection of the cervical spine? 45degrees
What is the CR direction and angulation for an AP oblique projection of the cervical spine? Directed at C4 at 15-20degrees cephalic - SIDE UP area of interest
What is the CR direction and angulation for an PA oblique projection of the cervical spine? Directed at C4 at 15-20degrees caudal - SIDE DOWN area of interest
What is the area of interest for a Lateral Cervicothoracic (Swimmers) projection? C7-T1 best seen without superimposition of the humeral head
Where do you center for a lateral Swimmers position of the cervical spine? At level of C7/T1 - (vertebral prominence) - 2 inches above jugular notch
What is the SID for a Lateral Cervicothoracic (Swimmers) projection? 40" SID
What focal spot should be used for any Cervical spine position? Small Focal Spot
What position is best used to see the Zygapophyseal joints of C1-C2? Open mouth - odontoid
What position is best used to see the dens within the foramen magnum? Ap Fuchs
What position is best used to see the Zygapophyseal joints of the cervical spine? Lateral
What position is best used to see the open intervertebral disk spaces of the cervical spine? AP Axial
What position is best used to see the intervertebral foramina of the cervical spine? Obliques (AP - SIDE UP area of interest) (PA - SIDE DOWN area of interest)
What is the name of the curve for the cervical spine? Lordotic curve
How many cervical spine are there on a normal patient? 7
What is the name of the first cervical vertebrae? Atlas
What is the name of the second cervical vertebrae? Axis
What is a facet joint ? A place where two or more joints are joined - Superior articular facet, inferior articular process
What is a zygapophyseal joint? Where two or more bones are joined
Created by: kemu15
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