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Unit P8 Test


A wave that vibrates the medium up and down or at right angles to the direction it travels transverse
A wave that vibrates the medium back and forth in the same direction it travels compressional
The top of a transverse wave crest
The bottom of a transverse wave trough
From crest to crest wavelength in a transverse wave
The height of a wave amplitude
From compression to compression wavelength in a compressional wave
The area of a compressional wave where it is pushed close together compression
The area of a compressional wave where it is spread out far apart rarefaction
A repeating disturbance that transfers energy through matter or space wave
The name for the material through which a wave moves medium
Any wave that needs a medium mechanical
This shows how much energy a wave has amplitude (height on a transverse wave)
What waves need no medium? electromagnetic waves like light
This is a measure of how many wavelengths pass a point each second frequency
What is the SI unit for frequency (how is it measured)? Hertz (Hz)
When a wave bounces off something reflection
The bending of a wave as it changes speed going from one medium into and through another refraction
The bending of a wave around something diffraction
A special type of wave pattern formed when waves of equal amplitude and opposite direction continuously interfere with each other. standing wave
When two waves overlap and combine as them move through each other interference
What affects the speed of a wave? medium and temperature
All waves are created by what? vibrations
What do waves carry? energy
What are two ways to calculate the speed of a wave? speed = distance/time or speed = wavelength times frequency
What does a frequency of 45 Hz mean? 45 waves pass a point every second
What produces sound waves? vibrations in matter
Sound waves are what type of waves? compressional because they move back and forth and mechanical because they need a medium
What is the frequency of a sound wave called? pitch
What is the range of pitches humans can hear? 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
Pitches above the range of human hearing are called what? ultrasonic (infrasonic or subsonic are below what we can hear)
What is the amplitude of a sound wave called? intensity or loudness
What do we measure the amplitude of a sound wave in? decibels (dB)
What is the normal range of decibels we can safely and comfortably hear? 15-120 dB
How does our ear hear sound Sound waves funneled into eardrum which vibrates back and forth. Bones attached also vibrate and vibrate the cochlea which is filled with cells that turn that into electrical impulses to send to the brain
How can hearing be damaged one really loud sound can tear your eardrum, or lots of loud sound over time will wear it out
How are electromagnetic waves made vibrating electrons
What type of waves are electromagnetic waves transverse
The dual nature of light theory says light is what two things wave and particles
What is a particle of light called? Photon
What is the name for the whole range of electromagnetic wave frequencies? The electromagnetic spectrum
These are the longest EM waves. They are used for radar, radio and TV transmission, microwaves, cell phone transmission, MRIs Radio waves
These EM waves are just a bit longer than visible light and felt as heat. They are used in remote controls, reading CD's, imaging Infrared waves
This is the part of the EM spectrum we can see visible light waves
What are the colors of visible light in order from longest to shortest ROYGBIV
These EM waves are just shorter than what we can see. They can be damaging to skin and are used to kill bacteria or see florescent things Ultraviolet waves
These are the shortest and most energetic EM waves. They travel through matter and can be harmful if you are exposed to too much of them. Xrays and Gamma waves
How does our eye see? lens focuses image from reflected light on retina hitting rod and cone cells that transmit impulses to the brain
Which is faster the speed of light waves or sound waves? light is 300,000,000 m/s, sound is 340 m/s, so LIGHT
Sound waves are fastest in what state of matter solids
light waves are fastest in what state of matter gases (even faster in empty space)
Light or Sound: Needs a medium Sound
Light or Sound: transverse waves light (electromagnetic)
Light or Sound: created by vibrating electrons light (electromagnetic)
Light or Sound: compressional wave sound
Why is a red shirt red? It reflects red wavelengths of light to your eye and absorbs the rest
Why is a black shirt black? It reflects nothing to your eye and absorbs all light that hits it
Why is a white shirt white? If reflects all light that hits it making white light
What are the primary colors of light red, green, blue
What is the speed of a wave that travels 10 m in 2 s? Speed = distance / time = 10/2 = 5 m/s
What is the speed of a wave that has a frequency of 20 hz and a wavelength of 2 m? Speed = frequency * wavelength = 20 * 2 = 40 m/s
Created by: tbrandt
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