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Psych 495 Ch 09 Lsts

Lists from the Text Chapter 09

- realistic conflict theory - social identity theory - relative deprivation theory - integrated threat theory 4 intergroup theories of prejudice
- intergroup competition --- equal group vs domination of outgroup by ingroup - responses to domination --- stable/unstable oppression of ingroup - responses to challenges to dominance --- ingroup sees challenge as justified/unjustified Duckitt's types and subtypes of realistic conflict
- frustration-aggression displacement theory - ideological theory 2 theories to explain scapegoating
- intergroup anxiety - perceptions of realistic threats - perceptions of symbolic threats 3 types of perceived threat to one ingroup in integrated threat theory
- intergroup conflict - intergroup competition - relative group deprivation 3 elements from which perceptions of realistic threat arise
- differences in values, attitudes, beliefs and moral standards and the like - belief that outgroup is trying to undermine those factors and destroy ingroup's cultural underpinnings 2 perceptions from which symbolic threats arise
- racial attitudes - searching for solutions to problems and questions in life - youthful rebellion - allure of violence - being male 5 factors that, in varying combinations, lead people to join hate groups
- what is important in life - why do bad things happen and how to fix them - comradeship and community with likeminded people - making the world a better place 4 solutions being sought, as mentioned in the text, that hate groups seem to provide
- promote group unity and cohesiveness - increase members' commitment to the group 2 purposes for rituals in socialization process
- associating with people who share beliefs supports them for having those beliefs and reinforces their correctness - isolates members from information that contradicts group ideology, and allows for rebuttal of any that does show up 2 effects of spending more time with hate group than with family, friends and others not in group
- disenchantment with ideology or tactics - pull of social relationships outside the group 2 most important reasons people leave racist groups
- find out needs that group membership fulfills and provide alternate constructive ways to meet those needs - counter the group propaganda aimed at solidifying the attitudes that support membership 2 ways to encourage a person to leave a hate group
- "me is we" - "we're better than them" 2 responses to conflict-enhanced attitudes
- 60 years of research have failed to provide strong support - it is a theory of individual, not group, behavior - cannot explain why some outgroups are chosen as scapegoats while others are not 3 problems with frustration-aggression displacement theory
- European whites are the chosen people of god and should have dominance over all other people - Jews are the children of the devil, born from Eve and Satan Aryans must battle a Jewish conspiracy to prevent the second coming of Christ 3 central beliefs of Christian Identity
- categorization-competition hypothesis - self-esteem hypothesis 2 hypotheses to explain ingroup bias effect
- intergroup bias "proves" ingroup is better than outgroup; increase in positive social identity leads to positive self esteem - people w/low self-esteem will engage in intergroup bias - people can defend against threats to self esteem w/intergroup bias 3 roles of self esteem in intergroup bias
- self-categorization - need for optimal distinctiveness - chronic social identities - individual differences 4 factors that affect activation and strength of social identities
- difference from outgroups - need to believe attitudes, beliefs and perceptions are correct 2 factors that motivate self-categorization
- people tend to join groups with attitudes and values similar to their own among other members - once people make a choice they tend to be committed to that choice and see it in positive terms 2 reasons self-categorization leads to stronger social identities than being assigned to a group
- if social identity processes can lead to outgroup derogation as well as ingroup favoritism - what determines if ingroup members will respond to aggression against a fellow group member - relationship between social identity & intergroup tolerance 3 issues in social identity theory that require more research
- protecting and enhancing the self and ingroup - affiliation and social harmony 2 important social goals that motivate people
- personal experience - social comparison standards used to assess relative deprivation
Created by: Z1759032
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