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Psych 495 Ch 12 Defs

Definitions from Chapter 12

sexual stigma the negative regard, inferior status and relative powerlessness that society collectively accords to any non-heterosexual behavior, identity, relationship or community.
sexual prejudice negative attitudes based on sexual orientation on the personal level
sexual orientation hypothesis the prediction that people are more likely to believe feminine men are gay than that masculine women are lesbians.
heterosexism ideological system that prescribes heterosexuality and denies, denigrates and stigmatizes sexual minority groups
gender belief system a culture's established sets of beliefs about men and women and the traits and roles they should possess and occupy
agentic/instrumental stereotypes about men's traits , a competence cluster that includes characteristics such as "independent," "strong" and "self-confident."
communal/expressive stereotypes about women's traits, represented by a warmth/expressiveness cluster that includes characteristics such as "emotional," "helpful," and "kind."
gender polarization the assumption that gender-associated characteristics are opposites of each other
face-ism a measure of the relative size and level of details of the depictions of faces and heads between genders
subtypes categories that are subordinate to the more basic categories of sex, race and age
discrimination-affection paradox the discrepancy between the generally positive view of women vs. the overwhelming evidence of gender-based discrimination
"women are wonderful" effect the phenomenon that the category of "woman" is seen more positively than "men" both on traditional evaluative measures and implicit attitude measures
sticky floor (when applied specifically to women) many traditional female occupations do not offer avenues for promotion or advancement and are dead-end jobs.
ambivalent sexism theory people hold both hostile and benevolent sexist beliefs and the contradiction creates oscillation between the two attitudes
sex role strain the mismatch between what members of one's gender are expected to do vs. what one can actually do
Created by: Z1759032
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