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Psych 495 Ch 10 Defs

Definitions from Chapter 10

stereotype fit hypothesis proposal that the characteristics of or associated with effective managers are very similar to the cultural stereotypes of men, and far from the cultural stereotypes of women
intergroup respect hypothesis the proposal that organizational discrimination arises from differing levels of respect for various groups based on the level of power the groups hold in society
shifting standards model the proposal that negative stereotypes lead people to hold lower performance expectations for the members of the stereotyped groups leading to bias in performance evaluations
hate crimes criminal offenses in which there is evidence the victim was chosen because of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability or sexual orientation
secondary victimization the phenomenon that hate crimes have psychological effects, not just on the victim, but on members of the victim's group
claping a regional term for criminal and harassing behavior aimed at the Amish by non-Amish.
perceived social support the extent to which people believe that others share their attitudes and opinions
regressive racism (regressive prejudice) expressions of prejudice by people who are otherwise low in prejudice
disinhibitors factors that reduce people's motivation to comply with social norms
moral credentials acts that are unprejudiced which then "allow" the person to act prejudiced, because if challenged, they can point to earlier behavior
personal stereotypes individual's beliefs about group's characteristics
attitude-behavior correspondence how well an attitude matches the behavior with which it is supposed to be associated.
tracking minority group members being directed into minority-related jobs, regardless of actual qualifications, which then tend to have slow or no promotion rates.
organizational discrimination discrimination in which the practices, rules and policies of formal organizations such as corporations or government agencies, result in different outcomes for members of different groups.
glass escalator effect the phenomenon that men have a greater promotion advantage in female-dominated occupations than in male-dominated.
sticky floor effect the phenomenon of ethnic matching of supervisors to employees keeping minority supervisors in lower level management because they are supervising their own ethnic group in low level jobs
employment audit study in which members of two groups are matched on appearance, education and relative experience and then sent to apply for the same job.
lost opportunities effect differential treatment of minority and majority group members resulting in different on-the-job opportunities for the two groups. ex, mentoring
discrimination behaving differently toward people based solely or primarily on their membership in a social group
blatant discrimination unequal and harmful treatment that is typically intentional, quite visible and easily documented
subtle discrimination unequal and harmful treatment that is typically less visible than blatant; often unnoticed because it has been internalized as normal, natural or customary
covert discrimination unequal and harmful treatment that is hidden, purposeful, and often maliciously motivated; behavior that is consciously attempting to ensure failure, as in hiring.
tokenism hiring one or a few members of a group as evidence that an organization does not discriminate
containment restricting members of a group to a limited number of job categories
abnormalization describing outgroup members in ways that emphasize their lack of compliance with ingroup norms
vanishing using linguistic devices to make outgroups disappear, as in using the passive voice
hostile humor calling attention to the negative stereotypes associated with outgroups in the form of a joke
patronizing speech linguistic patterns that imply outgroups are less competent than members of the speaker's group
controlling talk speech directed at members of groups the speaker views as having lower social status; ex. interrupting and giving commands
interpersonal discrimination individual, person to person discrimination - one person treating another unfairly because of group membership
social stereotypes characteristics of groups that most people in a society agree upon
Created by: Z1759032
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