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AP Psych Practice 5

Sensation & Perception

Absolute Threshold Detection of signal 50% of time
Difference Threshold Two stimuli must differ by a constant minimum proportion
Sensory Adaption Diminished sensitivity as a result of constant stimulation
Perceptual Set Tendency to see something as part of a group
Inattentional Blindness Failure to notice something because you're so focused on another task
Cocktail Party Effect Notice your name across the room when it is spoken & you weren't previously paying attention
Cornea Protect the eye
Pupil/Iris Controls amount of light entering the eye
Lens Forces light on retina
Fovea Area of best vision
Bipolar Cells Connect rods/cones & ganglion cells
Rods Black/white, dim light
Cones Color, bright light
Ganglion Cells Opponent-processing occurs here
Blind Spot Occurs where the optics nerve leaves the eye
Feature Detectors Specialized cells that see motion, shapes, lines, etc.
Trichromatic Three cones for receiving color (red/ blue/green)
Opponent Process Complementary colors are processed in ganglion cells
Visual Capture Visual system overwhelms all others
Constancies Recognize that objects do not physically change despite changes in sensory input
Phi Phenomenon Adjacent lights blink on & off in succession; looks like movement
Stroboscopic Movement Motion produced by a rapid succession of slightly varying images
Interposition Overlapping images appear closer
Relative Size 2 objects that are usually similar in size, the smaller one is further away
Relative Clarity Hazy objects appear further away
Texture Gradient Coarser objects are closer
Relative Height Things higher in our field of vision look further away
Linear Perspective Parallel lines converge with distance
Retinal Disparity Image is cast slightly different on each retinal, location of image helps us determine depth
Convergence Eyes strain more as objects draw nearer
Top-Down Processing Whole to smaller parts
Bottom-Up Processing Smaller parts to whole
Outer Ear Pinna (ear) & auditory canal
Middle Ear Ear drum
Inner Ear Cochlea
Place Theory Location where hair cells bend determines sound (high pitch)
Frequency Theory Rate at which action potentials are sent determines sound (low pitch)
Kinesthetic Sense of body position
Vestibular Sense of balance
Proximity Tendency to group things together that appear near each other
Similarity Tendency to group things together based off of looks
Continuity Tendency to mentally form a continuous line
Created by: taramichelle
Popular Psychology sets




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