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Quiz #7

American Studies/ WHisl

shirk to avoid doing or fulfilling
twang to have or produce a sharp, nasal tone, as the human voice
ply to carry on, practice, or pursue busily or steadily to supply with or offer something pressingly to
mantra an often repeated word, formula, or phrase, often an obvious truth Ex: “less is more”
molder to turn to dust by natural decay; crumble; disintegrate; waste away
expedite to speed up the progress of; hasten
exacerbate to increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of
remit to transmit or send (money, a check, etc.) to a person or place, usually in payment
incur to come into or acquire (some consequence, usually undesirable or injurious)
stagnate to be or become stale or foul from standing, as a pool of water. to stop developing, growing, progressing, or advancing
transcribe To make a written copy of (something)
plethora Overabundance; excess
ramification consequence; implication
iniquitous grossly unfair and morally wrong
jettison to throw off (something) as an obstacle or burden; discard
garrison A place where troops are stationed A body of troops stationed in a fortified place
carp To find fault or complain unreasonably
frond an often large, finely divided leaf, especially as applied to the ferns and certain palms
vernal Appearing or occurring in spring; of or pertaining to spring
proxy A person who is given the power or authority to do something (such as to vote) for someone else
Created by: lmyhre
Popular Academic Vocabulary sets




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