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science quiz

science quiz on the body and its systems

what system consists of the heart and the three types of blood vessels that carry blood throughout you body? cardiovascular system
what is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart to the body's organs? artery
what is a tiny blood vessel that allows an exchange between blood and cells in other tissue? a capillary
what is a vessel that carries blood to the heart? a vein
what is the flow of blood from the heart to the LUNGS and back to the heart THROUGH pulmonary arteries, veins, and capillaries? pulmonary circulation
what is the FLOW of blood from the heart to all parts of the body and BACK to the heart? systemic circualtion
what is the upper chamber called? atrium
what is the lower chamber called? ventricle
what is a flap-like structure located between the atria and ventricles, and where large arteries are attached to the heart? a valve
what is a tube where blood travels throughout your body (a hollow tube)? blood vessel
what is it called when your heartbeat pumps blood into your arteries at high pressure? blood pressure
the heart, blood, arteries, veins, capillaries, and lymphatic system make up the ___________________ ____________. circulatory system
the heart and three types of blood vessels together make up the ________________________ _____________. cardiovascular system
the word cardio means __________. heart
the word vascular means __________ ____________. blood vessel
arteries, veins, and capillaries are _______ _________ that carry blood throughout the body. blood vessels
what kind of tissue makes up most of the heart? cardiac
each upper chamber of the heart is called a(n).... atrium
each lower chamber of the heart is called a(n).... ventricle
the right side of the heart pumps oxygen-poor blood to the...... lungs
the left side of the heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to the... body
when atria relax, what do ventricles do? contract
why do the hearts valves close? to prevent blood from going backwards
what part of the heart makes the "heartbeat" sound? valves closing
what carries blood back to the heart? a vein
what allows exchanges between blood and body cells? capillary
what carries blood away from the heart? artery
what is the pressure caused by heartbeats? blood pressure
what is caused by rythmic change in blood pressure? pulse
what is the narrowest kind of blood vessel? a capillary
what kind of blood vessels are helped by the contracting of skeletal muscles? veins
what kind of blood vessels stretch due to blood pressure? arteries
what is added to blood when it is pumped to the lungs? oxygen
what is taken from blood when it is pumped to the lungs? carbon dioxide
where does the exchange of blood and oxygen take place in the lungs? capillaries
the flow of blood between the heart to the lungs is......... pulmonary circulation
the flow of blood between the heart and the rest of the body is ____________ circulation systemic
cardiovascular problems can harm the whole _______ body
a healthy diet and plenty of ____________ can reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems. exercise
what are the leading causes of death in the united states? heart diseases
fatty buildup in the blood vessels is....... atherosclerosis
abnormally HIGH blood PRESSURE is........... hypertension
brain damage caused by damage to blood vessels is............... stroke
what is the condition caused by the death of heart muscle cells? heart attack
what can happen when the blood supply to the heart is blocked? a heart failure occurs when that happens
the right side is the heart is oxygen rich or oxygen poor? oxygen poor
the left side of the heart is oxygen rich or oxygen poor? oxygen rich
the heart keeps the _____ flowing blood
pulmonary has to do with the ____________ lungs
an adult body has about ____ liters of blood. 5
list the four components of blood... plasma, platelets, white blood cells, red blood cells
the fluid part of blood is called _____ plasma
what do red blood cells do? take oxygen and nutrients to the cells in your body
to what does hemoglobin cling to? oxygen
when bleeding starts __________ form a plug to reduce blood loss. platelets
what two things do white blood cells do? destroy pathogens and release antibodies
pathogens include bacteria, __________, and other microscopic organisms. viruses
to fight pathogens, white blood cells destroy pathogens or release _____________ antibodies
what destroys dead or damaged body cells? white blood cells
blood helps to regulate body ____________ temperature
when body temperature rises, blood vessels in the skin ___________ enlarge
the force that blood exerts on the walls of the arteries is called........ blood pressure
when is systolic pressure measured? when the heart contracts (beating)
when is diastolic pressure measured? when the ventricles relax
what are the two organs that can be damaged by high blood pressure? heart and kidneys
to what does a blood type refer? chemicals called antigens on red blood cells
what kind of antibodies does a person with type A blood have? type b antibodies
which blood type is a universal donor? O
what does a transfusion attempt to do? it tries to replace lost blood
the liquid portion of the blood. composed of water and proteins plasma
________ are involved in blood clotting, and repair and regeneration of connective tissue platelets
what transports oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the cells red blood cells
vessels that carry blood away from the heart arteries
smallest blood vessel capillary
vessels that carry blood towards the heart vein
this chamber receives blood from the lungs left atrium
these prevent blood from going the wrong way valves
this chamber pumps blood to the aorta left ventricle
vessels where o2 diffuses into and co2 diffuses out of blood capillaries of the lungs
major blood vessel taking blood away from the heart to the rest of the body aorta
major vein returning blood from the body vena cava
vessels that takes blood to the lungs pulmonary arteries
vessels that return blood from the lungs pulmonary veins
vessels where oxygen and nutrients diffuse out of and waste diffuse into blood capillaries of the body
true or false: atherosclerosis is when your blood pressure is too high false
true or false:your blood is blue until it reacts with oxygen false
true or false: a heart attack is when the coronary artery is blocked and part of the heart itself begins to die. true
true or false: hypertension is a build-up of cholesterol in the walls of your arteries false
in which blood vessels does gas exchange take place? capillaries
what is the correct order through which blood flows as it leaves the heart? artery--capillary--vein
your blood is mostly made up of what? plasma
_________ is caused by the rhythmic change in blood pressure. pulse
what are the narrowest blood vessels? capillaries
what is the largest artery? aorta
what chambers of the heart pump blood? ventricles
which side of the heart is oxygen rich? left
having a fatty buildup in the blood vessels is called ___________________. atheroscelosis
define pulse. expansion and contraction of the arteries walls
define blood pressure. pressure on artery walls
what (gas) is taken from the blood when it is pumped to the lungs? co2
which blood type is a universal blood donor? o
besides delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells and removing carbon dioxide and waste, what three things does the circulatory system do? protects from diseases and germs, protect from bacteria and viruses, and control body temperature
movement of blood between the lungs and the heart is ___________________ _______________________ . pulmonary circulation
why are cylinders a good shape to use in the circulatory system? they are efficient blood flows easily
what is needed to release energy in the body? o2
where does air first enter the respiratory system? nostrils
what is the common name for the trachea? windpipe
what is the scientific name for the voicebox? larynx
what surrounds each alveolus? capillaries
air is mostly composed of what? nitrogen
what are the balloon-like structures in the lungs called? alveoli
define "lymphatic system" a group of organs and tissues that collect excess fluid and returns it to your body
what does the lymphatic system help fight? pathogens
what is the main gland of the lymphatic system? thymus
what is the largest lymphatic organ? spleen
where are blood cells made? bone marrow
what do lymph nodes do? remove pathogens from lymph
a type of white blood cell that fights pathogens is a ______________. lymphocyte
pathogens are destroyed by a kind of lymphocyte called a _______________. killer t-cell
what is a tiny sac at the end of the bronchioles? alveoli
what is a tube that branches off of the trachea? bronchi
what is a skin flap that directs air and food to the proper channel? epiglottis
what contains the vocal cords? larynx
what is the main passage in and out of the respiratory system? the nose
what is a tube-like structure made of cartilage? the trachea
bronchi branch many times (bronchioles) getting smaller and smaller ending in tiny spherical air sacs called alveoli is what? the lungs
what is folds of tissue located in the larynx that vibrate when air passes over them, producing the sound waves associated with talking and singing? (definition by google) the vocal cords
what is the muscle that separates the chest (thoracic) cavity from the abdomen. The _______ is the main muscle of respiration. Contraction of the _______ muscle expands the lungs during inspiration when one is breathing air in. diaphragm
Created by: 1964970244
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