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Phy. Sci. Words

vocabulary for physical science grade 8 SOL

transparent can see through
constant speed speed does NOT change
ionic bond metals lose valence electrons, nonmetals gain valence electrons
covalent bond atoms share valence electrons
atomic number number of protons in the nucleus
Newton's 1st Law of Motion law of inertia, objects at rest or in motion stay that way until an unbalanced force acts on it, The Seatbelt Law
metalloid on the stair steps, shiny or dull, semi-conductor
Newtons 2nd Law of Motion Force =Mass * Acceleration, it takes more force to accelerate a larger mass
Newton's 3rd Law of Motion Action/Reaction, for every action there is an equal and opposite reactions
acceleration object speeds up, slows down, or changes direction
velocity speed in a given direction
speed distance/time
flammable chemical property, ability to burn
solvent does the dissolving
isotopes atoms with the same amount of protons, different number of nuetrons
freezing liquid to a solid, loses heat energy
corrosive chemical property
sublimation solid to gas, gains heat energy, moth balls
vaporization liquid to a gas, gain heat energy
solution homogeneous mixture, one substance dissolved in another
ductile able to be pulled into a thin wire, physical property
translucent can see through it a little bit
valence electrons electrons on the outer most energy level
explosive chemical property
volume amount of space an object takes up
solute substance that gets dissolved
insoluble cannot dissolve
atomic mass average of all isotopes found in nature
density amount of mass in a given space, mass/volume
neutrons neutral in the nucleus
compound 2 or more different elements chemically combined, have a chemical formula
opaque can't see through it
metals left side of Periodic Table, shiny, good conductor, malleable, ductile, loses electrons in ionic bonding
non-metal right side of Periodic Table, dull, poor conductor, brittle, gains electrons during ionic bonding
Family vertical columns on PT, same number of valence electrons
combustible chemical property
malleable ability to be hammered into a thin wire, physical property
mixture two or more different substances not chemically combined
protons positive in the nucleus, number never changes
mass amount of matter in an object
condensation gas to liquid, loses heat energy
heat transfer of energy from one object to another
termperature moving atoms, faster motion=higher
element made of only 1 type of atom
melting solid to liquid, gain heat energy
period rows, same number of energy levels
acid pH of less than 7, litmus paper turns red, sour taste
base pH of more than 7, litmus paper turns blue, bitter taste
nuetral pH of 7, water
has a density of 1 g/ml water
water universal solvent because it can dissolve A LOT of substances
motion change in position
size, shape, state 3 S's of physical change
kilometer 1000 meters
centimeter 1/100 of a meter, 100 cm=1 meter
millimeter 1/1000 of a meter, 1000 mm = 1 meter
homogeneous mixture, looks the same throughout
heterogeneous you can see the different parts of the mixture
atom smallest part of an element
molecule smallest part of a compound
Created by: kmsanborn
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