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Spine Anatomy


what are the 3 main layers of the skin? 1) Epidermis 2) Dermis 3) Subcutaneous(Hypodermims)
the epidermis is composed of how many layers? 5
what is the main function of the epidermis? protection
the dermis is composed of how many layers? 2
what resides in the dermis layer? vascular, innervated, dermal appendages
what makes up the subcutaneous (hypodermis) layer? adipose tissue
how thick is the epidermis? .05 - 1.5 mm
describe the pH of the epidermis and what that does for the skin. low pH - protects skin from bacteria
what is found in the epidermis,can migrate, and fills with keratin? keratinocytes
these cells activate the immune system Langerhan cells
These are responsible for skin color and react to sun exposure. melanocytes
The dermis is how thick? 2 - 4 mm
What are the two primary layers of the dermis? papillary and reticular
What is found in the dermis layer at the papillary level? rete pegs
What characteristics are unique about the dermis? hint* 4 things vascular, dermal appendages, innervated, collagen synthesis & phagocytosis
What is unique about the dermal appendages? they are continous with epidermis and have smooth mm at hair follicles called erector pili
What are the functions of the subcutaneous adipose tissue? hint* 4 things protection, insulation, cushioning, various depth
What are the 5 new terms for classification of burn injuries? superficial, superficial partial thickness, deep partial thickness, full thickness, subdermal
What classification is epidermis only, no blisters, no scaring, simple tx, and heals in 2-5 days? superficial
What classification is epidermis & partial dermis, blisters, very painful, nn endings exposed, + blanch (quick refill), + edema, no scaring, wound bed pink-red, heals in 7 - 14 days, and tetanus update? superficial partial thickness
What classification is injury deeper into dermis, shades of red, yellow, white, + blanch in red areas but sluggish, blood flow impaired = increase risk of infection and increase depth, moist, dry, no blisters, + sensation,heals 4 - 10 wks via granulation? deep partial thickness
What classification when lack rete pegs = wound breakdown, secondary intention, grafting, scar formation, seldom uniform depth? deep partial thickness
What classification includes all layers of skin down to sub-q tissue & fat, black, brown, cherry red, waxy white, no blanching, can be dry, painless, hair pulls out easily, cicrumferential burns = problematic, skin grafts, affects all systems & organs? full thickness
What classification is charred, mummified, and involves amputation? subdermal
Classification by skin depth takes how many days for burn to " declare "? 3 days
Amount of skin involved >__ affects all body systems? %20
__________ is shift to interstitium = edema & fluid loss, altered blood cell concentration & function? hypovolemia
With bad burns you might see a change in vital signs that include: ?? hint* heart changes tachycardia, decreased CO & BP, distal pulses difficult due to edema
Remember rules of 9 9% for head, each arm.18% for each leg, front of torso, and back of torso1% for the genitalia region
Circumferential burns, skin, and sub q tissues act as a _______? tourniquit
Skin acting as a tourniquit can reduce or elimate distal _____ _____? blood flow
A _________ is a surgical procedure through full thickness layer to expose fatty tissue. escharotomy
A _______ is a surgical procedure cutting through the fascia to release tension. fasciotomy
Which is deeper, escharotomy or fasciotomy? fasciotomy
Created by: txst spr 2009
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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