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Child Dev./Parenting

Stack #218094

Theories help people understand influences on what? parenting
Theories help people discover different ways to what? interact with children
Theories help parents with what? child-rearing practices
How many stages are in Erik Erikson's theory? 8
Who developed the Psychosocial Theory? Erikson
Who developeed the Parenting Styles theory? Baumrind
How many parenting styles are in Diana Baumrind's theory? 3
The 3 main parenting styles are? Permissive, Democratic, Authoritarian
Who is associated with the Cognitive Development theory? Piaget
What are the stages in the Piaget's theory? Sensorimotor, Pre-Operational, Concrete Operations, Formal Operations
What is Kolhberg's theory concern with? Moral Development
What Italian physician developed a method of instruction that is being used in many schools today? Maria Montessori
Abraham Maslow's theory is called what? Human Needs Theory
Who coined the term "scaffolding? Vygotsky
Who developed the "Touchpoints" videos? Brazelton
What is the name of Howard Gardner's theory? Multiple Intelligences
Brazelton's major work is called? Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale
Benjamin Spock wrote a book about? Baby care
In the Preconventional level of the Moral Development Theory, children are most concerned with what? obedience, punishment, and rewards
The second stage of the Morla Development theory is what? conventional
Who developed the SocioCultural theory? Lev Vygotsky
What is the basic level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? Biological and Physiological
Food and air belong to what level of needs? Biological and Physiological
What is the second level of needs, according to Maslow? Safety
What is the highest level in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? Self-Actualization
Created by: PamMcIntyre
Popular Psychology sets




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