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Radiation Protection

What does a linear-threshold dose response curve demonstrate? responses that are proportional to the radiation dose received, but a dose below the threshold, no response effect is likely to occur (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 235)
What does a linear-nonthreshold dose response curve demonstrate? used to indicate responses like radiation induced leukemia, cancer, and genetic effects (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 235)
What type of effects are cancer, leukemia, and genetic defects? stochastic or probabilistic effects (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 235)
What does a non-linear threshold dose response curve demonstrate? response is not proportional to dose, but a dose must be received in order for a response to occur (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 236)
What does a non-linear non-threshold dose response curve demonstrate? response is not proportional to the dose, but any amount of dose could cause an effect, pg. 235)
What are nonstochastic/deterministic characteristics? threshold, non-linear, all early effects, and some later effects (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 237)
What are stochastic/probabilistic characteristics? no threshold, linear, genetic effects, cancer, most late effects (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 237)
Linear Energy Transfer and biological damage are _____ proportional? directly (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 239
What is the main difference between the direct and indirect effect on molecular effects? direct interacts directly with the key molecule or another protein; indirect takes places away from the key molecule and those free radicals interact with the key molecules (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 239)
What type of chain break can cause cell death? double main chain/side rail scission (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 239)
What does the law of Bergonie and Tribondeau state? the most radiosensitive cells are young, undifferentiated, and highly mitotic cells (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 241)
What is the dose needed to cause spontaneous abortion during the first two weeks of pregnancy? at least 250mGy (25 Rad) (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 241)
What are some acute radiation syndromes? Hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, and central nervous system (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 246)
What are the stages of acute radiation syndromes? Prodromal, Latent, Manifest illness, recovery or death (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 246)
What is the purpose of beam restriction? reduce patient dose, reduces the production of scatter radiation, and improves image quality (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 254)
Equipment using 70 kVp or above must have filtration of at least what? 2.5mmAl (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 258)
What are three types of gonadal shielding? flat, contact, and contour shields (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 259)
When should gonadal shielding be used? gonads lie or within 5cm of the collimation field, patient is of reasonable reproductive potential, and diagnostic objectives permit (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 259)
What is the percent that reproducibility must be within? must not exceed 5% (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 267)
What is the percent that linearity must be within? must not exceed 10% (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 267)
The x-ray tube housing must keep leakage radiation to less than what? 100mR/hr. (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 267)
SID must be within ___% of the indicated SID? 2% (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 267)
Tabletop intensity of the fluoroscopic beam must be fewer than what? 10R/min (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 267)
The SSD must be at least ___ for fixed and ___for mobile fluoroscopic equipment? 15;12 (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 267)
What type of switch should the exposure switch be? Dead man's switch (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 275)
Lead aprons and gloves must be at least _____. 0.25mm Pb (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 275)
What are some examples of primary lead barriers? lead walls and doors (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 275)
How tall and thick should primary barrier be? 7 ft. & 1/16in (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 275)
What are some examples of secondary barriers? walls above 7 ft., control booth (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 275)
How thick should secondary barriers be? 1/32 in (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 275)
What is the amount of radiation a person over 18 should not receive 5rem (50mSv/yr) (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 294)
A radiography student participating in clinical education should not receive an annual dose of no more than ____ before the age of 18 0.1 Rem (100 mrem) (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 294)
The lifetime curriculum exposure for occupational exposed individual is ____ 1 Rem x age (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 295)
The pregnant radiographer gestational exposure to the fetus must not exceed ____ 0.5 Rem (500mrem, 5mSv) (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 295)
The monthly fetal dose must not exceed must not exceed ____ 0.05 Rem (0.5 mSv) (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 295)
What does a roentgen measure? ionization in air (unit of exposure) (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 288)
What is the SI unit for roentgen? Gray (Gy(a)) (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 288)
What does a rad measure? ionization to tissue (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 288)
What is the SI unit for rad? Gy(t) (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 288)
What does a rem measure? unit of dose equivalence and measures occupational exposure (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 288)
What is the SI unit for rem? Sievert (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 288)
What do OSL dosimeters use to measure exposure? Aluminum oxide (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 289)
What are some advantages to the OSL? ability to measure radiation doses as low as 1 mrem, tamper proof plastic unaffected by heat, can be read out quarterly, multiple readouts (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 289-90)
How low of a dose can a film badge readout to? 10mrem (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg.290)
TLD dosimeters use what to measure exposure? Lithium fluoride (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 291)
What are some advantages of the TLD? unaffected by heat, can be worn up to 3 months, (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 292)
What type of radiation does the TLD and OSL measure? x, beta, gamma radiation (Lange Radiography Prep Book, pg. 292)
Created by: jmjones3
Popular Radiology sets




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