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Psych 495 Ch 7 Lists

Lists from the Text Chapter 07

list itemslists
authoritarianism *** social dominance orientation 2 personality variables consistently related to prejudice
realistic intergroup conflict and competition could not explain Nazi anti-Semitism and the Holocaust *** people who score high on prejudic against one group also tend to score high on prejudice against other groups 2 reasons researchers believe individual differences play a role in prejudice
conventionalism *** authoritarian submission *** authoritarian aggression *** stereotypy *** projectivity 5 patterns of thought proposed as components of authoritarian personality
movement away from psycho-analytic theory *** movement toward cognitive causes for prejudice *** flaws in the F scale *** authoritarian behavior not seen only among right wing politics holders as predicted 4 reasons for decline of interest in authoritarian personality in 60s and 70s
authoritarian submission *** authoritarian aggression *** conventionalism 3 attitude clusters of right wing authoritarianism
mental inflexibility (see world in simple terms) *** uninterested in politics (not exposed to other views) *** see the world as dangerous and threatening (values security) *** self-righteous (more 'moral,' justified in looking down on less moral) 4 personal characteristics that may predispose a person to RWA
group-based dominance *** opposition to equality 2 components of social dominance orientation
people high in SDO are attracted to high power professions *** socialization into high power profession increases SDO 2 ways SDO is related to social power
authoritarian focus is on intragroup relations seeking security through conformity *** SDO focus is on intergroup relations, quashing competition for resources and maintaining dominance difference between right wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation
self-enhancement *** self-protection 2 ways self-esteem can relate to prejudice (used in Psychojeopardy)
people with low self-esteem should be more prejudiced than people with high self esteem (negative correlation) *** people with high self esteem should be more prejudiced because prejudice is a source of esteem (positive correlation) 2 ways to interpret research on self-enhancement
high esteem may lead to direct expression while low esteem is indirectly prejudiced *** relationship of esteem to prejudice may be indirect *** could be 2 kinds of self-esteem, one related to prejudice and one not 3 possible reasons for contradictions about self-enhancement
secure *** defensive 2 proposed kinds of high self-esteem
stereotype activation and application effect *** self-esteem threat countered by prejudiced behaviors *** reinforcing self-esteem interferes with prejudice *** self-protection has been demonstrated in children 4 strong findings on self-protection's impact on prejudice
individualism *** egalitarianism 2 categories of values that are related to prejudice
ambivalent prejudice *** value dissimilarity model *** modern-symbolic prejudice *** aversive prejudice 4 theories that relate values to prejudice
terror management theory *** attribution value model 2 theoretical explanations for relationship of value differences to prejudice
the instinct for self-preservation *** knowledge that death is inevitable 2 human characteristics used to explain desire to promote and defend belief and value systems
naturalness *** entativity 2 dimensions affecting whether a groups' characteristics are seen as changeable (used in Psychojeopardy)
religion *** political orientation 2 social ideologies that have been studied in relation to prejudice
religious groups other than white, middle-class Christians *** non-religious people 2 notable exclusions in research on religion
intrinsic *** extrinsic *** quest *** fundamentalism 4 religious orientations
proscribed *** permitted 2 ways religions treat prejudices toward different groups
social dominance orientation *** right wing authoritarianism *** attribution-value model 3 explanations for correlation between conservatism and prejudice
modern-symbolic; aversive conservatism correlates with ________ prejudice while liberalism correlates with _________prejudice (used in Psychojeopardy)
conservatism correlates with prejudice *** conservatism correlates with SDO which is anti-egalitarian *** principled conservatism/politics 3 explanations for why conservatives are more opposed to affirmative action than are liberals
Created by: Z1759032
Popular Psychology sets




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