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Psych 495 Ch 5 Lists
Lists from the Text Chapter 05
list items | lists |
- internal - external | 2 sources of motivation to respond without prejudice |
- perpetrators - bystanders - instigators | 3 categories of people used when discussing genocide |
- intergroup emotions - intergroup anxiety - empathy | 3 categories of emotions in regards to prejudice |
- differing beliefs about the group - differing evaluation of the same belief - differing degrees of intensity of emotion | 3 reasons people have different responses to the same intergroup situations |
- facilitating/inhibiting effect of incidental emotions - as responses to stereotypes that are activated - as motivation to control prejudice | 3 roles that emotions play in stereotyping and prejudice |
- aroused automatically - motivate behavior - different people experience different responses to the same groups | 3 characteristics of emotions that help us understand prejudice |
- high acceptance of both forms of equality - complex social identities - focus on similarities between people, not differences - see differences as enriching + interesting - broad scope of moral inclusion - more resistant to acquiring prejudices | 6 characteristics of non-prejudiced people |
warm+competent = positive prejudice warm+incompetent = paternalistic/benevolent cold+competent = envious prejudice cold+incompetent = contemptuous prejudice | intersection of stereotype characteristics in the stereotype content model: warm+competent warm+incompetent cold+competent cold+incompetent |
- perspective taking - empathic concern - personal distress - fantasy | 4 components of empathy |
- moral credentials - target buy-in - failure to conform is punished with hostile prejudice - difficult to change because they seem harmless | 4 insidious impacts of benevolent prejudice |