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Ariene PHAT 153/154

Nonmalefience do no harm to others
Value System determines responce
Antonomy live life as you see fit
Ethic princi. a code of conduct for a standard o care
INFORMED concent patients provide
Benefience do good
PDR physicians Desk reference
HIV Human Immuneodeficiency Virus
AIDS Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
How long could conversion take? 6 months to 20 yrs
What is an Elisa ? A test that tests for the HIV Antibodies
What is the Western Blot? A confirmatory test done only if there are 0 risk factors.
What has to happen to convert from HIV to Aids? 1. Must be HIV positive2. CD-4 count of 200 or below3. PCP must be present 97%4. KS must be present
What is PCP? (Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia)AIDS related pneumonia
What is KS ? (Karposis Sarcoma)AIDS related Cancer
How do you know if you have AIDS? It is diagnosed.And HIV is Contracted!
How long can HIV lay dormant? 11 yrs
How is HIV transmitted? 4 ways Blood , Semen , Vaginal secretions , and Breast MIlk
How is HIV transmitted? 7 ways Sexual, Sharing needles, Maternal Child (Be4,during, & after incl. breast feeding), Blood trans., Donor Products, Job injury, and SHARING OF TOYS !
What top 3 theories do people believe about how AIDS started? Aliens, man havin sex w/chimp, and in a lab by the govn't .
Created by: ariene.woodland
Popular Pharmacology sets




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