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Lumbar Spine

Stabilization and Exercise

What are some pt signs a PT should recognize when considering stability exercise? *hint 6 things generalized ligament laxity, painful arc on return, SLR >90, + segmental instability test, painful arc on return, flex/ext radiographs
What are some recommended treatment options for stabiliztion?* hint 3 things start with pn-free muscle firing exercises, gentle AROM ( hand heel rock, pelvic tilt),then support and palliative modalities as needed
What are some common history findings for pts that would be a good candidate for stabilization?*hint 6 things frequent recurrance, min perturbation, previous history of lateral shift, freq manips, pregnancy, positive response to supportive device
What are the steps of the standardized baseline examination?*hint 3 things History, Self-Reports(ODI, FABQ, pn rating), Physical Examination
What are the 4 parts of the physical examination when thinking about stability exercises?*hint 4 things ROM(aberrant motions), Segmental Mobility, Generalized Ligamentous Laxity, Special Tests
When ROM testing what are some things you should look for during Aberrant Motion Assessment?*hint 5 things painful arc in flexion, painful arc on return from flexion, gower's sign, instability catch, reversal of lumbo-pelvic rhythm
What do you do to assess segmental mobility? the Prone Posterior-Anterior Segmental Mobility Assessment
What is a positive PIT? when a PA with hip extension relieves a painful segment
When predicting dramatic success for a stability program, what 3 or more findings should be present?*hint name all 4 PIT, aberrant motions, average SLR>91, age<40
When predicting improvement for a stability program, what 2 or more findings should be present?*hint name all 4 PIT, aberrant motions, hypermobility, FABQ-PA< or = 8
What are 5 things to look at when classifying someone for stabilization exercises?*hint this is the classification requirements PIT, aberrant motions, hypermobility, younger age, greater SLR ROM
What can be done to increase the complexity of stabilization exercise? Increase lever arm. Example: can have pt extend leg while performing TA activation in quadriped.
How many crieteria must be present for predicting dramatic improvement for stabilization exercise TBC? 3 of 4
Pretest probability for dramatic success with stabilization exercise = test = ___%. 33%, 67%
Unlikely to respond well to stabilization exercise if several of following presetn: FABQ-PA (physical activity)>9, neg PIT, No abberant motions, Not hypermobile
Created by: txst spr 2009
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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