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Ab Psych Midterm (3)

Mood Disorders

what are the two mood disorders? unipolar depression and bipolar disorder
what is the difference between mania and depression? mania is a state of breathless euphoria and depression is a low, sad state
what causes major depressive disorder? biological predisposition, abnormal levels of norepinephrine and serotonin, abnormal levels of cortisol or melatonin
how does the biological perspective treat major depressive disorder? antidepressants > maois, tricyclics, and SSRIs and electroconvlusive shock therapy
what do MAOIs do? what is the danger? break down norepinephrine; dietary restrictions-can cause strokes if eat foods with triamaynes from high BP
what do tricyclics do? increases NT activity in synapse; increases heartrate so must get regular EEGS
SSRIs act on what NT? what are the benefits? serotonin; less side effects, no dietary restrictions, less likely to OD
how does the psychodynamic perspective view unipolar depression? early losses in life set stage; use free association and therapist interpretation
how does the behavioral perspective view depression? related to rewards received in life; tries to improve social skills
how does the cognitive perspective view depression? learned helpelessness & negative thinking are causes
what are the four interrelated compononents of depression? maladaptive attitudes, cognitive triad (self, future, experiences) in negative ways, make errors in thinking, experience automatic thoughts
how does the cognitive model treat depression? (beck) increasing activities, challenging automatic thoughts, identifying negative thinking, changing primary attitudes
what are the criteria for bipolar disorder? manic episode > 3 or more symptoms of mania lasting one week or more; history of mania > hypomanic or depression
what are emotional, motivational, behavioral, cognitive, and physical symptoms of mania? emotions seeking outlet, need for constant excitement/companionship, moving quickly, poor judgment, high energy level
what are the two kinds of bipolar disorder? bipolar 1 > full manic and depressive episodes and bipolar 2 > hypomanic and depressive episodes-can still function
what NTs play a role in depression and mania? low serotonin + low norepinephrine = depression; low serotonin + high norepinephrine = mania
what role can ions play in bipolar disorder? may be improperly transported; fire too easily = mania, resist firing = depression
do genetics play a role in bipolar disorder? there is a potential link
what is the best treatment for bipolar disorder? lithium & adjunctive psychotherapy
what is the leading cause of death in the world? suicide
how do suicide rates of men and women differ? women are more likely to attempt (3x), men are more likely to be successful (3x)
what is suicuide related to? marital status, social support
how does the suicide rate of white americans compare to african americans? suicide rate of white americans is twice as high
what are some common predictors of suicide? substance abuse, mental health disorder, history of suicide in family
which group is most likely to commit suicide and why? elderly; illness, loss of control, loss of social support, loss of social status
what treatments are used after suicide attempts? medical care then psychotherapy and drug treatments
what are the therapist's goals for suicidal? keep person alive, get to a nonsuicidal state of mind, improve/develop coping skills
Created by: chipperchelsie
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