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Ab Psych Midterm

Anxiety Disorders

what are the six types of anxiety disorders? generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder, obsessive complusive disorder
what is generalized anxiety disorder? persistent worrying causing problems in daily functioning
what are the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder? worrying about the future, constant surveillance of danger, sweating, dizziness, racing heart
what is generalized anxiety disorder caused by? low levels of GABA or receptors are defective
how does the psychodynamic perspective treat generalized anxiety disorder? controlling the id; creation of defense mechanisms
how does the humanistic perspective treat generalized anxiety disorder? "client center therapy" development of unconditional positive regard
how does the cognitive perspective treat generalized anxiety disorder? rational emotive therapy--teaching coping skills and help to recognize faulty assumptions
how does the biological perspective treat generalized anxiety disorder? biofeedback, relaxation techniques, antianxiety drugs
how do phobias differ from normal experiences of fear? fear is very intense, avoidance, causes dysfunction
what are the three categories of phobias? specific, social, and agoraphobia
what are specific phobias? persistent fear of objects or situations; may suffer from more than one at a time
what are social phobias? severe, persistent, and unreasonable fear of social or performance situations where embarrassment may occur BROAD or NARROW
what is agoraphobia? fear of leaving the house
what causes phobias to develop? modeling, classical conditioning, & perhaps a biological predisposition
what are treatments for specific phobias? systematic desensitization, flooding, modeling
what are the treatments for social phobias? antidepressants, behavioral exposure, social skills training
what is panic disorder? what are the two types? periodic fear of death, losing control--panic disorder with agoraphobia, panic disorder without agoraphobia
how long does a panic attack usually last? 1-30 minutes
what contributes to panic disorder? abnormal function of norepinephrine, overexaggerate symptoms
what are the treatments for panic disorder? antidepressants/benzodiapines, attempt to correct misinterpretations through education and coping skills
what is obsessive compulsive disorder? combination of obsessions (persistent thoughts, impulses, desires) and compulsions (repeated and rigid behavior people feel they must perform to reduce anxiety)
what are the features of obsessions? intrusive thoughts, most common: cleaning, touching, cooking, checking
what are the features of compulsions? yielding to obssessions; "voluntary" behaviors or mental acts performed to reduce anxiety
what are the treatments for OCD? antidepressants (increase serotonin), exposure and response prevention
Created by: chipperchelsie
Popular Psychology sets




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