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RADT 465

ARRT registry review covering Patient Care content area

assault to threaten harm (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.7)
battery performing an exam without patient's consent (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.7)
invasion of privacy disclosing confidential information to unauthorized individuals (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.7)
defamation disclosure of confidential information that is harmful to patient (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.7)
slander spoken defamation (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.7)
libel written defamation (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.7)
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.16)
objective signs patient's appearance or condition (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.21)
subjective signs patient's perceived condition (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 22)
pulse rates men 68-75, women 72-80, children, 70-100, infants 100-160 (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 23)
infection transmission/ cycle of infection factors 1. infectious organism/ pathogen, 2. reservoir of infection, 3. portal of exit from reservoir, 4. means of transmission, 5. susceptible host, 6. portal of entry into new host (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 35)
common bloodborne pathogens hepatitis C, hepatitis B, and HIV (Radiography Prep 8th edition, .p. 35)
medical asepsis destruction of pathogenic organisms through disinfection (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 34)
surgical asepsis removal of all microorganisms and their spores (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 34)
formite contaminated inanimate object, i.e. doorknob, IV pole, food (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.36)
modes of infection transmission droplet, airborne, and contact(Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.36)
droplet microorganisms expelled from respiratory tract through nose or mouth (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.36)
airborne microorganisms expelled from respiratory tract on dust particles (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.36)
vector insect or animal carrier of infectious organisms (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.36)
Airborne precautions patient wears surgical mask/ private negative pressure room; radiographer wears N95 particulate respirator mask(if patient mask not available),gloves, and gown (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.39)
droplet precautions patient wears surgical mask/ private room; radiographer wears gown, gloves surgical mask (if patient unable to wear mask) (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.39)
contact precautions patient has private room, wears mask; radiographer wears gloves and gown (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 39)
droplet diseases transmitted via large droplets expelled from patient while speaking, sneezing, or coughing (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.40)
contact spread of disease by direct or close contact (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.40)
Which arteries are best for determining pulse rates? superficial arteries (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 48)
normal respiratory rate 12 to 18 breaths/ minute (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.48)
normal adult blood pressure 100-140 systolic / 60-90 diastolic (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.48)
tachycardia abnormally fast pulse rate (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.49)
bradycardia abnormally slow pulse rate (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.49)
extravasation medication or contrast that has leaked from a vein rupture into tissue outside of the vein (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p.53)
What is the most common vein used for venipuncture contrast administration? antecubital vein (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 53)
What should be done if extravasation occurs? elevate affected extremity above heart and apply cold compresses (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 53)
analgesic relieves pain - i.e. aspirin,(Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 62)
cathartic laxative, relieves constipation - i.e. castor oil (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 62)
diuretic stimulates urine - i.e. Lasix (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 62)
emetic stimulate vomiting - i.e. Ipecac (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 62)
adrenergic stimulates sympathetic nervous system, increases BP, relaxes smooth muscles of respiratory system - i.e. Epinephrine (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 62)
vasodialtor relaxes and dilates blood vessels, decreases BP - i.e. Nitroglycerine (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 62)
epistaxis nosebleed - seat patient in Fowler's position (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 64)
synscope feeling dizzy - bend patient forward and place head between legs/ severe cases should be lowered to recumbent position (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 64)
Where should IV solutions be located in reference to the patient? elevated 18 to 24 inches above injection site (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 58)
five most easily palpated pulse points radial, carotid, temporal, femoral, and popliteal (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 57)
PICC/ CVC central line short termed / non-tunneled - administer medication, draw blood, moitor RA BP (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 55)
PICC central line long termed, external / non-tunneled - administer medication, draw blood (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 55)
Port-a cath central line long term implanted venous access - chemotherapy, blood transfusion (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 55)
What type of infection accounts for the greatest number of nosocomial infections? urinary tract infections (Radiography Prep 8th edition, p. 55)
Created by: tkmccracke
Popular Radiology sets




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