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Methods in Psychology Research

APA citation (Sources) Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C., (year). Title of article. (italicized)Title of Periodical, issue (end italicized), page from - to
Introduction and first page Header: Title First Letter of Each Word Cap - page number Running head: TITLE LESS THAN 50 CHARACTERS (middle of page, center aligned) Critique of Authors (year) Critique Authors Name Affiliation
Tables use statistics to find values to prove hypotheses. Each segment is separated into columns and then grouped by solid lines. Table # Name of table
Figures Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, Pie Charts, Scatter Plot, Pictorial Graphs,
Avoiding Bias Language 1) describe at the appropriate level of specificity 2) be sensitive to labels 3) acknowledge participation 4) gender 5) sexual orientation 6) racial and ethnic identity 7) disabilities 8) age
Independant Variable Change
Dependant Variable Can be measured
Between-Subject Design compare multiple test results within 1 group, use T-test and variance between and variance within tests to analyze data
Independent Groups design Random assignment, manipulated Independent variable
Match groups design assignment based on matching variable, manipulated independent variable
Non-equivalent groups natural group design, subjects selected based on subject variable, causal inferences cannot be made because of lack of experimental control
Operational definition specifics of how something is defined in an experiment (increased jumping shows increased happiness)
Scientific hypothesis a testable hypothesis using the scientific method
Causal Observation observing behavior and making judgments based on observation instead of experimentation
Discriminant validity correlation between two opposed behaviors
Convergent validity scores or results from two different perspectives on a single topic
Divergent validity scores on a single perspective for two different topics
Validity scores are accurate
Reliability scores are similar in retesting
secondary sources cite the secondary source in which you found the original source
natural use measure uses physical trace measure to understand the intended behavior
stratified random sampling randomly chosen people from different places (different dorms)
participant observation researcher is involved with participants during the course of the study
availability heuristic using information present at the moment to make generalizations about unrelated information
point-biserial correlation dichotomy
quasi-experimental lacks either control or manipulation randomization
quasi-experimental lacks either control or manipulation randomization
Created by: msciullo
Popular Psychology sets




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