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2/23, Psych Term 954


AFFECT External expression of emotion, or emotional response
AGORAPHOBIA Fear of leaving home or a safe place
AMNESIA Loss of memory
AMPHETAMINES Central nervous therapy stimulants that may be used to treat attention deficit- hyperactivity disorder and depression
ANOREXIA NERVOSA Eating disorder with excessive dieting and refusal to maintain a normal body weight
ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY No loyalty to or concern for others, and without moral standards. Blames others when it is their fault
ANXIETY DISORDERS Characterized by unpleasant tension, distress and avoidance behaviors.
ANXIOLYTIC This type of drug relieves anxiety
APATHY Absence of emotions, lack of interest or emotional involvement
ASPERGER SYNDROME Less severe type of autism, normal language skills and normal intelligence. They wants interaction with others, but don't know how to do it.
ATYPICAL ANTIPSYCHOTICS Drugs that treat psychotic symptoms and behavior used for schizophrenia, bipolar and other mental illness
AUTISM Pervasive developmental disorder characterized by inhibited social interaction and communication, restricted, repetitive behavior
BENZODIAZEPINES Drugs that lessen anxiety, tension, agitation and panic attacks
BIPOLAR DISORDER Mood disorder with alternating periods of mania and depression
BORDERLINE PERSONALITY Instability in interpersonal relationships and sense of self, characterized by alternating involvement with and rejection of people
BULIMIA NERVOSA Eating disorder with binge eating followed by vomiting , purging, and depression
CANNABIS Substance (cannis plant) from which marijuana is made
CATATONIA A state of psychologically induced immobility with muscular rigidity
CLAUSTROPHOBIA A fear of closed in places
COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY Short term focus psychotherapy. Focus on how the person is experiencing difficulty in thinking, behaving and communicating today.
COMPULSION Uncontrollable urge to perform an act repeatedly
CONVERSION DISORDER Condition marked by physical symptoms with no organic basis, appearing as a result of anxiety and unconscious inner conflict
CYCLOTHYMIA Alternating periods of hypomania and depression; lesser intensity than in bipolar disorder
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