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Final Exam

The process of gathering information through the senses is called ______. observation
A factor that is manipulated in an experiment to change the dependent variable is the ____. independent variable
3 m/s north is an example of a(n) ____. Velocity
The relationship among speed, distance, and time is ____. S=d/t
Newton's first law of motion is also called the law of ____. An objects resistance to change in its current state of motion. Inertia
A feather will fall through the air more slowly than a brick because of ____. Air resistance
The acceleration due to gravity is ____. 9.8m/s2
According to Newton's second law of motion, ____. F=m x a
The statement "to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" is ____. Newton's 3rd Law
Newton's first law of motion states that an object remains at rest unless a(n) ____ force acts on it. unbalanced
A bus engine transfers chemical potential energy into ____ so that the bus moves. kinetic
According to the law of conservation of energy, the total amount of energy in the universe ____. remains constant
What is an example of a compound/complex machine? bike
Which is an example of heating through conduction? touching a hot stove
The statement that current is equal to the voltage difference divided by the resistance is known as ____. Ohm's Law
A path that allows only one route for an electric current is called a ____. Series Circuit
Lightning is ____. large discharge of static electricity
Which of the following is a device designed to open an overloaded circuit and prevent overheating? Circuit breaker
An area with excess electrons has a net _____ charge; an area with a deficit of electrons has a net _____ charge. negative, positive
Two objects will attract one another when they have ____. opposite charges
The south pole of a magnet ____. attracts a north pole
When you break an iron magnet into two pieces, you get ____. 2 north poles and 2 south poles
What is an example of a nonrenewable source of energy? Coal, natural gas, oil
A wave will travel only as long as it has ____ to carry. energy
When light bounces off a surface it is called ____. Reflection
Refraction is bending of light that occurs when changing from one ______to another. medium (air) to another (glass)
To produce sound, an object must be ____. Vibrating
Sound travels fastest in a ____. Solid
Electromagnetic radiation with the shortest wavelengths (highest frequency) is ____. gamma rays
What is the thing in an experiment that is changed or manipulated by the experimenter to see how it affects something else? Independent variable
5 m/s, North is an example of... Velocity
An objects resistance to change in its current state of motion Inertia
a transfer of _____________ from one thing to another (like hitting a baseball with a bat) Momentum
slowing down because of a force in the opposite direction an object is moving is _____. Friction
An ____________force will produce motion. Unbalanced
Forces always occur in equal and opposite pairs, typically in an action-reaction relationship. Newton's 3rd Law
F=m x a The amount of force required to accelerate an object is proportional to the mass of the object. Newton's 2nd Law
Law of Inertia: An object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will remain at rest until an outside force acts upon the object. Newton's 1st Law
Force of gravity, depends on location Weight
The amount of matter in something that remains constant regardless of location. Mass
A lens that curves out and the focal point is after the light passes through the lens. Convex lens
Two nuclei combine to form one large nucleus, like in the Big Bang Theory. nuclear fusion
Your voice echoes off a flat wall Reflection
Highest frequency (lowest wavelength) electromagnetic waves Gamma Rays
Type of waves that travel in compressional (or longitudinal) waves Sound waves
bending of light waves as it changes medium (air to water) Refraction
The strongest magnetic force is here Magnetic poles (opposites attract; N-S)
A: Waves that travel in a medium. B: Waves that travel in a vacuum. A: Mechanical B- EM Waves
How are wavelength and frequency related? One increases, the other decreases
This is the reason why the moon stays in orbit and why things are attracted to the ground. Law of Gravitation
Force of attraction between all objects in the universe; depends on mass and distance Gravity
Seesaw is an example of which simple machine? Lever
Rate of doing work (W/t) Power
Unused gasoline in your car is which type of energy? Chemical potential
Created by: kbordelon2
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