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Death Investigation

An elected public official that doesn't need a medical degree Coroner
Medical doctor, but not always a forensic pathologist Medical Examiner
Type of people elected to be Coroner Judges, Funeral Directors, and Nurses
4 Classifications of Death Natural, Accidental, Suicide, Homicide
Stiffening of muscles after death Rigor Mortis
Rigor Mortis starts in ______________________ Erector Pili Muscles
Erector Pili Muscles Goosebumps
Rigor mortis starts on what part of the body? Jaw
Rigor mortis works its way_____ the body Down
Rigor mortis takes __ hours to set and lasts another __ hours 12, 12
Rigor mortis is completely gone by __ hours 36
Rigor mortis has a faster onset with ___ temperatures High
Rigor mortis has a slower onset with ___ temperatures Low
Rigor mortis onset depends on the _____ temperature conditions
Rigor mortis occurs due to a lack of _____ ATP
Why does rigor mortis occur? lack of ATP
Sudden instant contraction of muscles Cadaveric Spasm
Cadaveric spasms are found in suicides or other violent deaths where a _____ is present weapon
When do cadaveric spasms occur? suicide/violent death with weapon
Cadaveric spasms don't come and go like ____________ rigor mortis
Heart stops pumping and blood pools according to gravity livor mortis
During livor mortis the skin will turn dark ______ or _______ blue, purple
Livor mortis starts immediately after death and fully sets by ___ hours 12
when does livor mortis start? immediately after death
If a body is on a hard surface during livor mortis what appears? blanching
when does blanching appear? when a body is on a hard surface
Body temperature cooling to ambient temperature Algor Mortis
During algor mortis the body temperature changes ___-___ degrees fahrenheight per hour 1-5
Algor Mortis is highly dependent on the _____ the body is in environment
Ocular Fluid Vitreous Humor
Potassium levels ____ in the vitreous humor at precise intervals after death rise
_____ levels rise in the vitreous humor at precise intervals after death Potassium
Potassium levels rise in the __________ at precise intervals after death Vitreous Humor
Pugilistic Attitude happens to ______ bodies burned
Pugilistic Attitude occurs when the muscles contract caused by ________ heat
occurs when the muscles contract due to heat pugilistic attitude
Marbling is caused by a reaction of _______ and __________ hemoglobin and hydrogen sulfide
caused by a reaction of hemoglobin and hydrogen sulfide Marbling
Decomposition of blood causes _______ Marbling
"Grave Wax" Adipocere
formed from the breakdown of fatty acids Adipocere
Adipocere is formed from the breakdown of ___________ fatty acids
Mummification occurs in a ____ and ____ environment hot and dry
Mummification can progress up to ___ year and may last indefinitely 1
Mummification can progress up to 1 year and may last _______ indefinitely
__________ can progress up to 1 year and may last indefinitely mummification
Abdomen bloating with gasses putrefaction
Putrefaction is made by __________ bacteria in the bowel
Putrefaction is ____________ gas bloating the abdomen hydrogen sulfide
H2S hydrogen sulfide
the disease or injury responsible for the lethal set of events cause of death
how the cause of death arose manner of death
how the disease or injury responsible for the lethal set of events arose manner of death
Common toxicology specimens blood, urine, liver, vitreous humor
Less common toxicology specimens stomach contents, bone, bone marrow, hair, nails
Created by: kmmoline
Popular Physical Science sets




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