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WGU IPC1 History

WGU IPC1 Art History Section

Paleolithic ("Old StoneAge") circa 40,000-10,000 B.C.E.
Paleolithic ("Old StoneAge") A product of hunter-gatherernomadic tribes. Known for its decorated objects carved of clay, bone, or stone or clay) and Venus figurines (often of child-bearing age women) and its cave paintings, usually of hunting scenes or focused on fertility.
Mesolithic ("Middle Stone Age") 10,000-8,000 B.C.E.
Mesolithic ("Middle Stone Age") A greater focus on human figures in its rock and cave paintings, and the creation of stone microliths (small stone tools, usually made of flint or chert) and pottery.
Neolithic ("Late Stone Age") 8,000-3,000 B.C.E.
Neolithic ("Late Stone Age") weaving and architecture emerged. Megaliths (large stone monuments), temple buildings, and tombs reflected new religious expression. Pictographs (stone paintings expressing artistic or religious meaning) represented the precursor of a written language.
Mesopotamian (Babylonian) Art circa 9,000-500 B.C.E.
Mesopotamian (Babylonian) Art Artwork from successive civilizations found between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers . Some of the most celebrated architecture of the ancient world was found in Mesopotamia (the Tower of Babel, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon).
Egyptian Art circa 5,000- 1,350 B.C.E.
Egyptian Art Created by the civilization that flourished in the lower Nile Valley. This art had a religious focus, with depictions of gods and goddesses and life after death, in the sculptures, tombs, monuments (pyramids, etc.) and paintings of the Egyptians.
Persian Art 8,000-3,000 B.C.E.
Persian Art Persia has a rich art heritage, including architecture, painting, weaving, pottery, and stone and metal. A number of successive Persian civilizations (Achaemenian, Seleucid dynasty, Parthian, Sassanian) left their distinctive artistic mark as well.
Ancient Greek art is best known for its elevation of the human form (humanism) as seen in ceramics, architecture, sculpture, coin design and pottery.
Greek architecture featured three distinctive systems, or orders: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. Examples of the three can be found with the Parthenon (Doric), and the Temple of Athena Nike (Ionic), both constructed on the Acropolis in Athens, and with the monument of Lysicrates (Corinthian).
Roman art focuses on imperial themes of power,military victory, and heroism. Architecture produced buildings of grandiose scale, such as the Colosseum (a massive amphitheater in Rome) aided by the development of concrete as a construction material.
One Roman innovation in painting was the introduction of the landscape.
Romanesque Art 10th century to the middle of the 12th century.
Romanesque Art Borrowed many artistic elements from classical Roman aesthetics (hence the name).
Romanesque art and architecture also reflected Eastern and Byzantine influences.
Romanesque Art included sculpture, fresco painting, metalwork, and manuscript illumination (performed by monks).
Gothic Art Mid-12th century to 15th century.
Gothic art and architecture evolved from Romanesque style centered in Central and Northern Europe.
Gothic sculpture, fresco painting, stained glass, illuminated manuscripts and panel painting during the Gothic Period was dominated by Christian religious themes.
Gothic Architecture characterized by several technical innovations (pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses) making it possible to fashion stone buildings of great heights.
Renaissance Art Late 13th to the early 17th century.
Renaissance Art lead to the rise of humanism, a philosophic approach that placed more emphasis on the individual.
Notable artistic innovations during the Renaissance period included introduction of oil painting as a medium (a contribution of Northern Renaissance painters) and the development of linear perspective in painting and sculpture and aerial perspective in landscapes.
Mannerism featured the use of distorted figures in difficult poses, strange artificial colors, and intense lighting.
Baroque 17th and early 18th century.
A style common in Europe and North and South America during the 17th and early 18th century Baroque.
Influenced by religion, with the Catholic Church acting as a major patron during the Counter- Reformation, a reaction to the rise of Protestantism Baroque.
Baroque artists emphasized the emotional and dramatic.
The Baroque style was marked by a number of distinctive artistic characteristics, including an emphasis on harmony and unity complemented by a religious fervor, often drawing on Biblical stories and themes.
Rococo from the French rocaille meaning "rock work."
Employed in interior decoration and painting, Rococo was lighter and more playful and used ornate decoration, pastel colors, and asymmetrical arrangement of curves.
Neoclassicism 18th century
Neoclassicism Painters used sharp colors and chiaroscuro (contrast of light and dark to achieve the illusion of depth
Romanticism early 19th century
Romantic artists stress passion,emotion, and exotic settings with dramatic action.
Realism second half of 19th century
Realist artists sought to produce accurate and objective portrayals of the ordinary, observable world.
Realism became popular just as photography was introduced as a new source of visual images.
Impressionism late 19th century to early 20th century.
Impressionism represented abold, and fresh approach to painting.
Impressionism movement took its name from Claude Monet's Impression, Sunrise. Impressionists strived to capture
Post-Impressionism early 20th century
Post-Impressionist artists had a greater concern for expression, structure and form than did the Impressionists.
Post- Impressionists also emphasized their emotions and personal responses in their paintings.
Modernism is a broad term to describe the artistic movements of the late 19th and 20th centuries.
Many Modernist styles of painting relied on abstraction.
Abstract act departed from natural or realistic appearances and often transformed recognizable scenes or objects into new expressive works of art.
Art Nouveau An international style of art, architecture and design that emerged when late 19th century
Art Nouveau (French for "new art")
Art Nouveau favored sinuous lines, curves, and organic motifs, such as plants and flowers.
Fauvism surfaced in the early years of the 20th century
Fauvist painters adopted what? spontaneous, bold reactions to nature and employed vibrant colors directly from the tube.
Cubism is considered by some the most influential art style of what century? twentieth century
Cubist painters represented a subject from what? multiple angles, using simplified geometric forms. They often broke up, analyzed and reassembled an object in an abstract form.
Geometric Abstraction Geometric Abstraction surfaced in 1920s as a visual style which stressed the two-dimensionality of painting as observed subjects were converted into geometric shapes.
Surrealism,is an art style which began in 1920's
Surrealism was influenced by what? Freud's focus on dreams.
Surrealist painters used images from dreams and the subconscious to transform ordinary subjects by placing them in distorted or fresh contexts.
Abstract Expressionism started in New York in the 1940s and emphasized spontaneous personal expression in large abstract paintings.
Minimalism surfaced in the 1960s
Minimalist artists stripped art work down to its simplest visual elements (such as simple geometric shapes.)
Pop art, emerged in the 1950s in Britain and the United States
Pop Art emphasized existing popular images and cultural artifacts.
Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci
Renaissance Michelangelo
Renaissance Piero della Francesca
Renaissance Albrecht Durer
Baroque: Rembrandt van Rijn
Baroque: Judith Leyster
Rococo: Francois Boucher
Neoclassical: Francisco de Goya
Neoclassical: Jacques-Louis David
Romanticism: Eugene Delacroix
Realism: Gustave Courbet
Victorian Photography: Julia Margaret Cameron
Impressionism: Claude Monet
Impressionism: Edgar Degas
Impressionism: Mary Cassatt
Impressionism: Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Post-Impressionism: Vincent Van Gogh
Post-Impressionism: Paul Cezanne
Fauvism: Henri Matisse
Cubism: Pablo Picasso
Dadism: Francis Picabia
Surrealism: Salvador Dali
Modernism in Photography: Alfred Stieglitz
Abstract Expressionism: Jackson Pollock
Abstract Expressionism: Mark Rothko
Pop Art: Andy Warhol
Created by: jston004
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