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Sleep Psych

Alpha Activity Restful state while awake, before sleep, long train of waves, can get from visual cortex while eyes are closed
What does REM sleep help? cognitive growth
What does slow wave sleep resting and rebuilding, body
When does slow wave sleep occur 1st half of the night
Ultradian Rhythm 90 minute biological rhythm and controls day dreaming
Who is most aroused/awake 10 year olds/before puberty
What time is there a lot of sleepiness 3pm
What happens between 4 and 5 hours of sleep received If you get below 5 you will be miserable the next day (between 4-5)
Ducks, Dolphins and whales and other birds... can sleep one hemisphere at a time
Reptiles Sleep Most of nonrem sleep symptoms, eeg modulated, typical posture, tortuse shows some rem sleep, quiet period
Bird Sleep Some rem sleep may have evolved from fish and progressed
Accidna Combined REM sleep beyond the cortex at brain stem level (egg laying)
Platypus Both REM and NREM sleep (nocternal egg laying) they have rem sleep cuz they have eggs
Infradian Longer than a day, menstruel and seasonal rhythms
Circadian Little longer than a day, first study on plants-still open up w/o sunlight, gets weaker as we grow older
Zeitgebers cues that entrain circadian rhythm to 24 hours, bright light is most important, Social interacting,
Amplitude decreases as we get older
Kleitman and RIchardson's Quarters in Mammoth Cave Tested 28 and 21 hour cycles, controlled everything: body temp, Older guy didn't adjust and stayed on 24hour, sleepiest when body temp is lowq
Sleep Deprevation 3 weeks is max of no sleep, uses up energy and lowers body temp
Circadian Oscillation of Vigilance States
Entrained lowest temp is towards end (90 minutes before you awake)
Growth Hormone released when you sleep and doesn't have its own rhythm, associated with slow wave sleep/first half of night
Cortisol Increases during sleep and released more during REM sleep,
20 minute day 7 min to sleep and 14 minutes awake, compresses the sleep cycle, the rhythms still exist/cycle and same proportions
Menstrual Cycle SLeep better in ludial phase (from ovulation to mestration) and phollicular phase: after menstration to ovulation
Luteal Phase (menstral cycle) Daytime sleepiness is greater ovulation to menstration
Pollicular phase (menstral cycle) After menstration back to ovulation, better sleep quality and less variable
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN) Place in brain that controls all circadian rhythms, close to optic chiasm
Optic Chiasm Way we organize the viusal field, parts go to left and right hemisphere and cross the optic chiasm
Pineel Gland Gland that releases melatonin, surprssed by light and released during night
Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome Go to bed before normal time, wake up earlierBeing a lark (wake up early)
Delay Sleep Phase Syndrome Go to bed after normal time (later like you can't get to sleep) and sleep in later (owls)
What color light has biggest affect on circadian rhythm? Blue light, strong with the sun
Circadian Rhythm Disorder(Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder) Going to bed later, more in young people, sleepy in morning, Treated: light therapy (show light AFTER nadir) chronotherapy(adjusting sleep schedule around clock), CBTi (cognitive behaviral interventions
Circadian Rhythm Disorder (Advanced... Going to bed earlier, wake earlier, in elderly, Light therapy (show light BEFORE nadir) and CBTi
Non-entrained Type of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder Free running rhythm that does not entrain, seen in individuals with retinal blindness, treated by: melatonin and sleep scheduling
Entraiment We are all entrained to go to bed and wake up at the same time
Irregular Sleep-Wake Type of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder No pattern to the sleep-wake rhythm, Normal TST per 24 hours, Seen in infants and people w/ diffuse brain damage
Jet Lag Disorder Temporary mismatch between local time and the sleep-wake rhythm, more when traveling east across time zones, There are melatonin supplements.
Shift Work Disorder Characterized by complaints of insomnia or excessive sleepiness that occur in relation to work hours scheduled during the usual sleep period
Sleep in Infants They sleep 2/3 of day, 50% in Rem and 50% NREM, REM sleep is longest during infancy, sleep pattern starts to develop at 3 to 4 months
Active Sleep grows and develops into REM sleep, premature babies have higher % of active sleep, is highly important for the development of the brain
Sleep Span decreases as you get older Stays the same after early adolescnce, 20-25% and same for old and middle aged people
Fragmented sleep Older people (harder to get back to sleep) and as you get older the less slow wave (Stage 3 and 4) you get.
Slow wave sleep Low frequency and High AmplitudeStage 3 and 4
Men vs. Women sleep Men tend to lose slow wave sleep before women do, parrallel to life expectancy
As you get older... Over 65 your amplitude drops, and more awakenings
Sleep Amount in... 5 yr olds: more than 9 hours of sleep, 10 year olds: stays the same. 15 years: 8 hours of sleep, and after is less than 8
Does sleep Latency change as you get older? Not very much
Stage 1 More when your younger and more when your really old
Bimodal distribution Sleep attempts occur during night and afternoon when we are not already asleep
Twilight Zone College students during every oppurtunity for MSLT, and that is considered Clinically Sleepy
TST Total sleep time: increases in early teens, decreases after that
Co-Sleeping Larger cities have more co-sleepers,
Definition of Sleep across Species Homeostatic, Behavioral quiet period, and change in responsiveness, reversible
Behavioral Quiet Period Debate that it might be sleep but, some people don't have it or animals have it
What sounds are you most responsive to? Name
Other criteria to define sleep Typical Posture, EEG modulation to distinguish wake from sleep, EEG difference indicating different stages of sleep.
Measure Sleep Diaries/Logs, Polysonography, Retrospective quiestionarres, observer ratings, movement (actigraphy), responses to external stimuli, PSG
Polysomnography PSG, "Gold standard" of sleep measurement, EEG, EMG, EOG,
Lienstien SAD Test to see how well you respond to external stimuli.
Wake Relaxed Alpha EEG, 8-12 hz
Stage 1 5-10%, Theta EEG waves, slow-ROLLING EYE MOVEMENT, 3-7hz, mixed frequency, and low voltage
Stage 2 50%, sleep spindles, k complexes
Sleep Spindle Burst of EEG activity, at least .5 seconds and 12-14
K complex Large negative and postive deflection, greater than 75 mic
Stage 3 Just like stage 4, slow wave sleep, delta waves, 20-50% delta eeg waves, 15-20% of the sleep cycle
Stage 4 same as 3, advanced equipment to see
REM Behavioral Disorder Act out your dreams
Alpha Activity Restful state while awake, before sleep, train of waves that you can get from your visually cortex while your eyes are closed
EOG Measure above one eye and below the other
What does REM sleep help Cognitive growth
Slow wave sleep helps Rest and rebuild body
What time is there a lot of sleepiness in the day Afternoon dip 3:00
Slow wave sleep occurs more... during 1st half of night
Ultradian Rhythm controls day dreaming rhythm, 90 minutes about
Most aroused and awake Before puberty
Created by: cmeiers
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