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Neuroanatomy II

Motor Development: Control and learning

If it must be processed and must be present in memory to be accessed it is?(declarative or non-declarative) Declarative
If it is more reflexive and not conscious processing it is?(declarative or non-declarative) non-declarative
a decrease in response to a non-painful stimulus, e.g. You can fall asleep in class once you acclimate to my voice, is called? Habituation
What is habituation used for? to decrease sensitivity to stimuli, e.g. noise, touch, movement
an increase in response following a noxious stimulus is called? Sensitization
exploring sensory information and having it guide learning is known as? Sensory learning
Give one example of a sensory learning technique and tell how it is used. Affolter.....used to help patients with brain injuries re-learn basic skills.
This is how we learn to relate one piece of information with another, it involves a conditioned stimulus, an unconditioned stimulus, and the pairing of the two to get a conditioned response. Associative Learning
In example name Conditioned Stimulus(CS), unconditioned stimulus(UCS) and conditioned response(CR).A child learns that every time he walks to touch the toy a pleasant sound emerges. He starts to walk to touch the toy even when the sound is turned off. CS=Toy, UCS=sound, CR=walk
What is know as trial and error learning? Operant conditioning
What are the components of Adams Closed loop theory? memory trace for acquisition, perceptual trace for correctness, somewhat limited in application, and sensory loss
Schmidt's Schema\open loop consists of? abstract representation and generalized motor program
Coordination between perception and action describes which theory? Ecological
Fitts and Posner theory= cognitive→associative→autonomous
Systems Three Stage Model= novice→advanced→expert
Gentile’s Two Stage Model= Understanding→Diversification
Sensory info is what kind of feedback? intrinsic
Feedback from and outside source is? extrinsic
"knowledge of results" and "knowledge of performance" are examples of what kind of feedback? Extrinsic
Knowledge of results =? outcome related to goals
Knowledge of performance =? related to the procedure
"That was a good way to get to the end of the hall" would be an example of knowledge of results or performance? Results
"That was a good attempt to walk with crutches, but you need to put less pressure on your axilla" is an example of knowledge of results or performance? performance
In massed practice how does practice time relate to rest time? Practice > rest
In distributed practice how does practice time relate to rest time? Practice ≤ rest time
Which form of practice may lead to fatigue, is not ideal for continuous tasks, and can decrease performance? Massed
which form of practice allows for adaptability and generalized learning? Variable practice
_________ practice is good for skill acquisition. Blocked
Random Practice is better for ___________________. Transfer of skill
Created by: txst spr 2009
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