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SQL Certified Expert Exam

What is 3NF? 2NF plus all the tables contain no data other than that which describes the intent of the primary key - erroneous data is placed in separate tables.
Select Statement? Retrieves data from a table.
Insert Statement? Add new data to a table.
Update Statement? Modifies existing data in a table.
Delete Statement? Removes existing data from a table.
What is the Create Object_Type statement? Creates a new database object, such as a table
What is the Alter Object_Type statement? Modified the structure of an object, such as a table.
What is the Drop Object_Type statement? Removes an existing database object, such as a table.
What are the database objects to be included on the exam? Constraints, Indexes, Roles, Sequences, Synonyms, Tables, Users, Views.
What is a Synonym? An alias for another object in the database.
What is a constraint> A small bit of logic defined by you to instruct a particular table about how it will accept, modify, or reject incoming data.
Who are the Users? The owners of the database objects.
What are Roles? A set of one or more privileges that can be generated to a user.
What is a Table? A structure that can store data.
What is an Index? An object designed to speed up searches in a table.
What is an View? Stores no data itself and simply serves as a window into one or more tables
What is a Sequence? a counter, often used to generate unique #s as identifiers for new rows.
What is a User Account? houses the objects owned by a user.
What is a Schema? Logical collection of database objects, like tables, Indexes, and Views. These objects are owned by a user, which are housed within the schema.
What are the different types of schema objects? Tables, Constraints, Indexes, Views, Sequences, Private Synonyms.
What are the different types of non-schema objects? Users, Roles, Public Synonyms.
What command is used to create a table in SQL? Create
What is an Object_Type Tables, Indexes, Views, Sequences, Private Synonyms
What is an Object_Name Name given to an Object_Type in SQL
What are attributes? Zero to a series of clauses that are unique to each individual object Type.
What is the Syntax that is mandatory for creating a table? Reserved word Create, Table, and the name of a table chosen by you. Parenthesis followed by name of column data type and a command to separate each column. semicolon to end the statement.
Naming conventions for database objects are applicable to which database objects? Tables, Views, Indexes, table constraints, table columns, and synonyms. Note: All tables have a name.
What are the naming rules for database objects with regard to length? The length of a name must be at least one character and no more than 30 characters?
What must the first character in a name be? Letter.
What are the only characters that can be included in a name after the fist letter? $, _, #, no other special character is allowed
Name of Database objects can't be what? SQL reserved words.
What is the basic rules for case sensitivity with regard to naming database objects? They are case insensitive and treated as though they are typed in uppercase letters.
What happens if a name has double quotation marks It is case sensitive and must always be referenced with case sensitivity and with double quotation marks.
By using double quotation marks around the names of database objects, what special characters can you include that aren't otherwise allowed Spaces. Ex: "Company Employee"
What is a namespace? Logical boundary within the database that encompasses a particular set of database objects.
Should you provide unique names for an object within its own namespace, Yes or No? Yes.
Should objects that share a namespace have unique names within that namespace, Yes or No? Yes
Are objects in different namespaces allowed to have identical names, Yes or No? Yes
What are the different types of namespaces? User, Role, and Public Synonym; Table, View, Sequence, Private Synonym, and user defined types; Index Objects; Constaints
What is an indirectly created object? System Generated name for an object.
What does the exam test for with regard to SQL create Table statements? How to create columns, specify data types, and create constraints.
Ex of an explicitly named constraint? Constraint Cruise_PK PRIMARY KEY (Cruise _id)
Ex of an system generated or indirectly named constraint? Captain_id Number Not Null
Once a table has been created successfully, what command is used to review the table's structure. Descr Name of Table, ex Desc Cruises
Most data types fall under what types of general categories? Numeric, Character, Dates, and LOB data types. Large Database Objects
What can't Large Database Objects not be included in? They can't be included in Primary Keys, DISTINCT, GROUP BYs, ORDER Bys, or Joins.
What are character data types know as? Text or String Datatypes.
What do character data type include? Char(n), Varchar2(n), Number(n,m), Date, Timestamp(n), Timestamp(n) with Time Zone, TimeStamp(n) with local time Zone, Interval Year(n) to Month, Interval Day(n1) to Second(n2)
What are the characteristics that functions encompass? They accept incoming values, they perform task on incoming data, they return one single answer as a result.
What function does the function INIT Cap perform? It returns the capitalization of the first character of a word while the remaining characters are shown in lower case letters.
Functions can be invoked from what type of SQL statements? SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
What are the two major variety of functions in SQL? built-in and user-defined
What are the categories of functions? Character, Number, Date, Conversion, and Other
What are the types of character functions? LENGTH, RPAD, LPAD, RTRIM, LTRIM, TRIM, INSTR, SUBSTR, REPLACE, SOUNDEX
What are character functions used for? Used to manipulate text.
What are number functions used for? Perform mathematical analysis.
What are the types of mathematical functions? SIN, ASIN, SINH, COS, ACOS, SOSH, ABS, SIGN, ROUND, TRUNC
What are the types of date functions? SYSDATE, SYSTIMESTAMP,
What is MONTHS_BETWEEN The difference between a date in terms of months.
What is ADD_MONTHS? Spans of time between a date.
What is the function of a conversion function? Convert values from one datatype to another.
What is a type of function that falls in the Other category? User
What is a User function A user function takes no parameters, it simply returns a value showing the name of the current user account.
Created by: Mickensg
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