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Buccinator(O,I,F) O: maxillary I:orbicularis oris F:compresses cheeks
Masseter(O,I,F) O: zygomatic arch I: mandible F: elevates mandible
Sternocleidomastoid(O,I,F) O:sternum and calvicle I:mastoid region of skull F:flex neck(neck bends/turns)
Rectus Abdominis(O,I,F) o: pubis symphysis I:costal cartilage (rib 5-7) and xiphoid process F: depresses ribs, flexes vertebral column
Deltoid(O,I,F) O:calvicle and scapula I: humerus F: abduction at shoulder
Gastrocnemius(O,I,F) O:femoral condyles I:calcaneous F: plantar flexion, inversion/adduction/flexion
Soleus(O,I,F) O: fibula/tibia I:calcaneous F:palntar flexion, adduction
Biceps Brachii(O,I,F) O:scapula I:radius/ulna F:flexor of antebrachium
Brachialis(O,I,F) O:radius I:ulna F:flexor of lower forearm
Quadriceps femoris(O,I,F) O:patella I:tibia F:extend hind limb
Rectus femoris(O,I,F) O:ilium I:illiac spine F:hip flexion and knee extension
Vastus Lateralis(O,I,F) O:femur I:patella F:expands knee joint
Vastus Medialis(O,I,F) O: femur I:patella, F:extends leg
Vastus Intermediuss(O,I,F) O: femur I:patella F:extends leg
Adductor Magnus(O,I,F) O:pubis and ischium I:femur F:adduction and extension of hip
Pectineus(O,I,F) O:pubis(ventral) I:femur F:flexion/adduction of thigh
Teres Major(O,I,F) O:scapula I:humerus F:rorate and flex humerus
Teres Minor (O,I,F) O:scapula I:tuberosity of humerus F:flexes shoulder
Subscapularis(O,I,F) O:scapula I:proximal end of humerus F:adducts forelimb
Pectorals-ag Latissimus Dorsi-ant
anterior deltoids-ag posterior deltoids-ant
trapezius-ag deltoids-ant
abdominals-ag spinal erectors-ant
left external obliques-ag right external obliques-ant
rectus femoris-ag biceps femoris-ant
soleus-ag gastrocnemius-ant
biceps-ag triceps-ant
ct around whole muscle epiphysium
ct around fascicles perimysium
ct round muscle cell endomysium
terminal cister sac like regions of SR that house Ca
sacrolemma vs sacroplasm lemma: plasma mem plasm: cytoplasm
Sacroplasmic reticulum interconnectin tubules of endoplasmic reticulum that surround each myofibril
Triad two terminal cisternae surrounding a t-tubule
t-tubule passageway
myofibril contains contractile filamnts withing skeletal muscle
thick vs thin filament myosin-thick, actin-thin
powerstroke flexing head of myosin
cross bridge myosin heda and actin
actin binding site for myosin cross bridge
which molecule covers binding site for cross bridge troppomyosin
which molecule has a binding site for ca troponin
which molecule must bind to cross bridge to disconnect w actin ATP
binding of cross bridges prevents back sliding
three roles of ATP energize, active tranasport of ca, bind w myosin to disconnect w actin
what molecules is connected to z line actin
condition where muscles become rigid after death-how rigor mortis-ca no longer moving so muscles perm contracted
shapes/characteristics of muscles:skeletal, cardiac, smooth Sk:elongated, multinuclei,striated C:branched,mononuclei,striated Sm:spindle,mononuclei, nonstriated
what creates straited appearrance actin and mysosin shape and density diff
what band only contains thin filament I band
what band only contain thick filament H zone
what band contains thicka nd thin A band
z lines connect to what filament thin
m linee connect to what filament thick
order of structre lg to sm whole skeletal muscle, fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibril, sarcomere, myofilament(actina nd mysosin)
sarcomere sm functional unit ofmyofibril
z line at each end anchor for thin shaped like z
m line middle achor for thick
a band dark actin and myosin
i band light actin
h zone middle thick
actin golbular resting, active site covereds by tropomyosin(long stranded protein that blocks active site)
myosin >1 head tail and glob head
calcium key to unlok active sites bind to troponin(holds tropomyosin in place) which changes shap so rotates and accepts ca
SFT z lines closer, I bands smallr, H zon smaller, A bands sasme
neurotransmitter release chem to change permeability
contraction cycle 1) ca bind to troponin 2)cross bridge formed 3)powerstroke 4)cross bridge detaches 5)myosin reactivatd as braks ATP
short vs sustained quick vs slow
functions of skeletal muscle mvmt, posture, support, guard, maintain body temp
characteristics exciteability: recieve/respond to stimuli contractility: shorten extensibility:lengthen eleasticity:return to normal
gross anatomy of single muscle fiber bvs, ct, nerves, skedletal mt
isotonic contraction tension increase, length changes(bicep curls)
isometric contraction tension increase to point, no length change(wall sit)
muscle fatigue(types and cramps) metaboolic:decrease atp, nervous:weak/insufficient signals cramps-stress, dehydration, decreasd mg and ca
quad muscles rectus fmoris, vastic intrmediates, vastis medias, vastis lateralis
hamstrong muscles biceps fmoris, semitendonosis, semimembranosis
Created by: Holly M
Popular Physical Science sets




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