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Psychology test 2

functions of glial cells surround neurons and hold them in place
denrite receives information from other neurons
soma cell body
axon carries neural impulse down to terminal buttons
mylein sheath fatty covering around axon
nodes of ranvier gaps in the myelin sheath
acetylcholine arousal, attention, memory
medulla unconscious thought
pons sleep and arousal
GABA inhibitory NT
cerebellum coordination thought, balance
frontal association cortex
parietal somatosensory
temporal auditory
occipital vision
thalamus sensory relay
hypothalmus controls autonomic nervous system
hippocampus memory
amygdala emotions
left side of brain language, logic, analytic thought, science and math
right side of brain creative, art and music, holistic thought
sensation deduction of physical energy and convergence to neural signals
perception organization and interpretation of sensations
transduction physical energy or chemicals are translated into neural information
place theory refers to location along the basilar membrane that is activated
frequency theory higher frequency sounds produce greater neuron firing
taste gustatory taste cells on taste buds
smell olifactory, cilia can distinguish between 10,000 odors
basic tastes sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami
vestibular sense receptors in the semicircular canals of the inner ear respond to movement and acceleration and to changes in upright posture sense of balance
kinesthesia the ability to sense the position and movement of one's body parts
monocular cues clues about distance based on the image in one eye
binocular cues each eye sees an object from slightly different positions
Created by: campbena
Popular Psychology sets




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