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Taylor Milligan

Chapter 1 & 3 Terms

conformity changing behavior to fit in with a group
symbolic interactionism how people interact with each other in society by using symbols
manifest function an action that produces an intended result
Harriet Martineau she compared the oppression of women in society to slavery in the past
mechanical solidarity a great dependency on the family and the community enforced conformity to rules of behavior
informal sanction sanctions (reward or punishment) distributed by any members of society
real culture the actual behavior patterns of group members in a society
cultural universal the culture traits that exist in all cultures around the world
sociological perspective it looks at the behavior of groups not individuals it focuses on the behavior of people at the social level
folkways norms with little moral significance (table manners)
functionalism it emphasizes the contributions of each part of society and how they work together for the good of society
social dynamics great social changes
conflict theory/perspective this theory emphasizes the conflict and competition in a society the wealthy are treated better and have more power (Karl Marx)
Jane Addams she helped poor people in the inner cities of America she really helped poor children the Hull House
social statics the study of social stability and order How stable is a society?
verstehen understanding social behavior putting yourself in the place of others
ideal culture the good cultural guidelines that most members within a society claim to accept
cultural particulars particular ways a culture expresses universal traits
sociobiologist study the biological basis of human behavior
ethnocentric judging others from a view of cultural superiority most people believe their culture is better than others
latent function an action produces an unintended result
social darwinism the study of animals to try and better understand the behavior of humans
organic solidarity social interdependency with highly specialized roles weaker family ties
formal sanction a sanction distributed by someone with a position of authority (judge)
dysfunction a negative consequence of society
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis our language controls our perception of the world the more important an item is to our society the more words will be produced to label that item
mores norms with great moral significance (murder)
culture the knowledge, values, physical objects and customs shared by the members of a society
Created by: taylor.emily
Popular Psychology sets




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