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WGU-Visual Arts 3

WGU-Theater & Film

Tragedy Drama that portrays a serious subject matter and ends unhappily
Comedy Form of drama that is usually light in subject matter & ends happily; not necessarily void of seriousness
Tragicomedy Drama that includes characteristics of both tragedy & comedy
Melodrama Serious situations arousing suspense, pathos, terror, & occasionally hate. Portray good & evil battling in exaggerated circumstances
Performance Art Generally site-specific events often performed with little detailed planning & leaving much to chance; audience participation may ensue
Plot Structure of the play where all elements hang
Denouement Relaxation of play through resolution of the climax which leads to the end of the play
Exposition Provides necessary background information; comprises a recognizable section at the beginning of a play; presented through dialogue, narration, setting, lighting, costume
Complication Contains meat of the play & comprises a series of conflicts & decisions (crises) that rise in intensity until turning point (climax) is reached
Foreshadowing Helps keep audience clear, provides credibility for future action, keeps action logical, & avoids confusion, builds tension & suspense, moves play forward by pointing toward events
Discovery Revelation of information about characters, their personalities, relationships, & feelings
Reversal Any turn of fortune
Character Psychological motivation of the person in the play
Protagonist Central personage who's actions & decisions influence the journey from beginning to end
Theme Comprises the intellectual content of a play
Visual Elements Physical relationship between actors & audience, stage settings, lighting, & costumes
Arena Theatre Audience surrounds the playing area on all sides
Thrust Theatre (Three-quartered theatre) audience surrounds playing area on three sides
Proscenium Theatre Audience sits on only one side & views the action through a frame
Climax Important decision or realization is made or decisive event occurs after end of complication section
Lighting Most crucial of all theatre artists in modern productions
Costumes Design hairstyles, clothing, & make-up to suit a specific purpose or occasion
Transverse Theatre (Catwalk) audience surrounds the stage on only two sides
Unity (Theatre) Created by relating the various events to each other by cause & effect
Resolution End of section (denouement); all conflicts resolved, questions answered, fate of characters settled & harmony or balance restored
Crisis (Turning point) occurring prior to climax & precipitating it; main character compelled to make crucial decision to determine fate
Suspense (Anticipation) retelling a known or familiar story
Symbol Close imitation to our own experience, or person
Monologue Speaking extensively, without interruption by another character
Aside Monologue delivered with another character present
Soliloquy Synonymous with monologue, but usually reserved for those speeches written in a heightened, more poetic style
Sound Effects Sounds to lend realism, enhance the mood, or create atmosphere
Genre Categories identified by content & by descriptive treatment of form, structure,style, & literary devices
Musical Theatre Closely related to opera, combines dialogue with singing, dancing, & music
Archetype Patterns & motifs revealed in images, plots, settings, rituals & characters
Stereotype An overused or trivialized character or situation
Absolute Cinema Purely artistic expression of light, color, form, shape & movement
Documentary Cinema Attempts to capture actual events
Narrative Cinema Uses exposition, complication, climax & resolution
Film Shot What the motion picture camera records in a single stretch of time; basic unit of film making
Establishing Shot A long shot that establishes setting of the scene that follows
Close-up Close to the subject, framing only one part of the actor or object or part of object to heighten emotional content
Medium Shot Subject(s) at a conversational distance from the camera; waste up
Panning Horizontal movement of camera from a fixed position
Tilting Vertical movement
Tracking Shot Camera on a rolling platform called a dolly; moving toward, away, or alongside
Following Shot Used when subject is on the move & camera must keep pace (chase scenes)
Hand-held Shot Made to appear shaky & unstable, lending tension & a broadcast-news realism to the scene
Crane Shot Uses large dolly, fitted with extendable mechanical arm, placing the camera at the end
Point of View Shot Filming from a characters perspective; used to build tension, suspense, & terror
Point of View Objective & unbiased view; placing itself at the best vantage point to record events
Editing Process of cutting & taping together the strips of film that comprised the shots
Continuity Editing Set of techniques that seek to make transitions from shot to shot as unobtrusive & continuous as possible
Jump Cut Immediate transition from one moment in a shot to a later moment in same shot; indicates a passage of time
Cross Cutting Cutting repeatedly between two different sequences, suggesting they are happening simultaneously
Dissolve Gradual transition from one image to another, signifying passage of time
Fade Gradual transition from image to darkness, or reverse
Wipe Gradual transition from one image to another accomplished by movement of a border, edge, or shape between the images
Whip Pan Pan performed with such speed that the screen shows horizontal blur; used in action films
Graphic Match Transition from action in one scene to similar or parallel action in a different scene
Split Screen Dividing the screen into two or more sections in order to suggest the actions are being show simultaneously
Montage Extended sequence comprised of many different shots or images to create a specific impression
Flashback Temporary interruption of chronological progress to show past events
Created by: lpedro
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