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PS Midterm

Physical Science Midterm

What is the correct name for the formula CO? Carbon Monoxide
What type of reaction occurs in the following equation? C+Cl2-> CCl2 Synthesis
The atomic number of an element is always equal to the ____. number of protons
The atomic mass is equal to the number of protons plus the number of _____. neutrons
What kind of reaction occurs within the sun when two nuclei UNITE (come together) to form one nucleus? nuclear fusion
The Big Bang Theory states that which two elements were created first? Hydrogen and Helium
Which subatomic particle orbits the nucleus? electrons
A statement about what happens in nature that seems to be true all of the time is a _____. Scientific Law
The variable that could change because of the independent variable is the _____. dependent variable
The variable that YOU change or manipulate is the _____. Independent variable
The correct format for writing a testable hypothesis is.... If (IV), then (DV) will (prediction).
What are some examples of physical changes? water boiling, painting a house, crushing a can
What are some examples of chemical changes? baking a cake, iron rusting, photosynthesis
The state of matter that has a definite shape and volume and forms a pattern of vibrating molecules. solid
The state of matter that has no definite shape or volume and expands to fill space it is in. Gas
The subatomic particle with a positive electrical charge found in the nucleus of an atom. proton
On a periodic table, what is the atomic number equal to? number of protons
If the atomic number of an atom is 15 and the number of neutrons is 16, then the number of electrons is ____. 15 (same as the protons)
Elements that have properties of both metals and nonmetals are called ____. metalloids
Which group on the Periodic table is known as the Noble Gases? Group 18 (8 Valence electrons)
In the periodic table, elements in the same Group or Family have the same ____. number of valence electrons
Group 17 on the Period Table that includes the elements Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine is called the _____. Halogens (7 valence electrons)
What is used to represent a chemical compound? Chemical formula (Shows the element and the number of atoms of each)
The Law of Conservation of ______ states that matter cannot be created or destroyed. Mass (equal atoms of each element on each side of a chemical equation)
What is formed when an atom gains or loses electrons in order to become stable? An Ion (+ or - charge)
What is it called when an atom has the same number of protons as another atom, but a different number of neutrons? Isotope
When a chemical reaction gives off energy (Heat) as a product, it is called a (n) ____reaction. exothermic
When a chemical reaction takes in heat as a reactant, it is a (n) _____reaction. endothermic
When a solute (like kool-aid) dissolves in a solvent (like water), it forms a _____. solution
Substances with a pH less than 7 are considered _____. Acids
Substances with a pH greater than 7 are considered _____. Bases
Compounds that change to different colors in acidic or basic solutions are called _____. Indicators (ex. litmus paper, phenolphthalein, methyl orange)
The formula for density. D=M/V Mass=g Volume=mL or cm3
In drawing a Bohr model, how many electrons can fit in each orbital (electron shell)? 1st shell= 2 2nd shell= up to 8 3rd shell= up to 18
What is the chemical formula for Sodium sulfide? First write the symbols with their oxidation numbers. Na+1 S-2 Then, drop the +- charge and criss cross. Na2S
What is the name of the compound MgF? Magnesium Flouride (write the metal first, change nonmetal to -ide)
Is the following equation balanced or not? If not, balance it. __NaBr + __Cl2 ---> __NaCl + __Br2 Not balanced 2 NaBr + Cl2 ----> 2 NaCl + __Br2
Which family of elements is the least reactive on the periodic table? (means they are more likely to combine with other elements) The Noble Gases are the least reactive because they have a full set of 8 valence electrons. They do not need to combine with other elements.
Which type of bond would be formed between a metal (+) and a nonmetal (-) that need to receive or donate electrons? Ionic Bond
Which type of bond would be formed between two nonmetals sharing electrons? Covalent Bond
Created by: kbordelon2
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