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Spine Anatomy

Anatomy of the pelvis

What is made up of five fused vertebrae and is triangular in shape? Sacrum
What are the functions of the sacrum? Provide stability and transmit weight to pelvis
What part of the sacrum articulates with the coccyx? Inferior part of the Apex
What part of the sacrum articulates with last lumbar vertebrae? Superior part of the base
The transverse ridges of the anterior sacrum seperate what? The sacral bodies
Anterior and inferior mvmt of the promontory is called? Nutation
Posterior and superior mvmt of the promontory is called? Counternutation
The lateral sacrum has an auricular surface that has __________ and is _________. hyeline cartilage, irregular
The ala of the sacrum is continuous with the what? Ilium
The lumbosacral angle consists of? the Long axis of lumbar vertebrae and Long axis of sacrum
What is the range of the lumbosacral angle? 130-160 degrees
The coccyx consists of? Four fused vertebrae
The innominate is fromed by fusion of the ______,________, and ________. Ilium, ischium, pubis
What are two characteristics of the auricular surface of the ilium? it has hyaline cartilage, and an irregular surface.
What are the functions of the pelvis? Protect and support viscera, Supports body weight in standing and sitting,Attachment for muscles and ligaments
The median sacral crest corresponds to what part of the lumbar vertebrae? Spinous process
The intermediate sacral crest corresponds to what part of the lumbar vertebrae? articular process
The lateral sacral crest corresponds to what part of the lumbar vertebrae? Transverse process
The area lateral to median sacral crest corresponds to what part of the lumbar vertebrae? Lamina
The dorsal sacral foramina correspond to what part of the lumbar vertebrae? intervertebral foramina
The lumosacral joint is between what structures? the last lumbar vertebrae and the 1st sacral vertebrae
The superior surface of the sacrum is how many degrees from horizontal? 30°
What direction do the S1 facets face? Posteriomedially
Why to the S1 facets face the direction that they do? for better stability
Iliolumbar ligaments run from TP of _______ to _______. L4\L5, Iliac crest
What are the primary sacroiliac ligaments? Anterior, posterior, and interosseous.
Of the sacroiliac ligaments which are strong? posterior and interosseous
What are the motions of the lumbosacral joint? flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and minimal rotation
The anterior sacroiliac ligaments are ______(weak or strong)? Weak
What are the attachments of the anterior SI ligaments? the ala and pelvic surface of the sacrum to the auricular surface of the ilium
What are the attachments for the Long and Short Posterior SI Ligaments? Intermediate and lateral sacral crest of sacrum to the PSIS and inner lip of iliac crest
Which SI ligaments are the strongest? Interosseus
What are the attachments of the interosseous SI ligaments? Lateral sacral crest to Iliac tuberosity (tuberosity of ilium).
What is the function of the long and short posterior SI ligaments? to prevent counter nutation
What is the function of the interosseus SI ligaments? to prevent nutation
What are the accessory SI ligaments? sacrotuberouse and sacrospinous
What motion do sacrotuberous and sacrospinous prevent? nutation
Sacrotuberous attachments are? Sacrum, ilium, coccyx to Ischial tuberosity
Sacrospinous attachments are? Sacrum and coccyx to Ischial spine
Is sacrospinous deep or superficial to sacrotuberous? deep
What Structures entering\leave the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen? Piriformis & Sciatic nerve
What structures enter\leave the perineum via the lesser sciatic foramen? pudendal nerve
SI joint stability is provided by what? SI ligaments, auricular surface irregularities and wedging
Created by: txst spr 2009
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