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Skeletal System

Types of Bones, joints, connective tissues, and other facts

1. How many bones in the adult human skeleton? 206
2. How many bones does a baby have at birth? 300
3. What are most of the baby bones made of at birth? cartilage
4. What is the most inner part of the bone called? bone marrow
5. How many bones make up the spine? 33
6. The vertebrae column is made up three sections, what are they called? cervical, thorasic and lumbar
7. What is the job of the thorasic vertebral? to support the ribs in place
8. What is the disk between each vertebrae made of? cartilage
9. How many pair of ribs do we have? 12
10. What is the longest bone in the body? femur
11. What is the smallest bone in the body? stirrup (found in the ear)
12. How many bones are in each phalange? 3 in fingers & toes 2 in the thumb and big toe
13. What are the two very important things that the toes and feet allow us to do? Stand & Walk
14. The place where two bones meet is called what? Joint
15. What is the fluid that keeps our bones moving smoothly? synovial fluid
16. Which connective tissue keeps the joints stable? ligament
17. Which connective tissue attaches muscle to bone? tendon
18. Which connective tissue helps with cushioning and helps keeps bones from rubbing together? cartilage
19. What are the five major functions of the skeletal system? 1. Movement 2. Support 3. Protection 4. Makes Blood 5. Storage
20. Where is red and white blood cells formed? bone marrow
21. Our bones stores which of the six nutrients? minerals (Calcium is an example)
22. How many bones does the Axial system have? 80
23. How many bones does the Appendicular system have? 126
24. What are the four basic shapes of bones? 1. Long 2. Short 3. Flat 4. Irregualar
25. How many bones are there in the skull? 22
26. What is the only moveable bone in the skull? Mandible
27. What is the only bone that is horizontal? Clavicle
28. In the lower arm, which bone is found on thumb side? Radius
29. What is the tip of the sternum called? Xiphoid process
30. What is the name of your heel bone? Calcaneous
31. What is the name of the joint found in the hip and shoulder areas? Ball & Socket
32. What is the name of the joint found in the elbow and knee area? Hinge
33. What is the name of the joint found in knuckle and vertebrae areas? Gliding
34. What is the name of the joint called where the skull meets the vertebrae column? Pivot
35. What is the name of a joint that can no longer move? Fixed Immovable
36. What is the condition called when the bone is out of joint? Dislocation
37. What is the condition called when the bone breaks? Fracture
38. What is the condition called when there is swelling in the joint? Sprain
39. What is the condition called when the joints become inflamed and stiff? Arthritis
40. What is the condition called when the spine has a curvature? Scoliosis
41. What is the condition called when the bones become brittle? Osteoporosis
Created by: raydavis
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