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Chapter Seven
Comparative Psychology
Question | Answer |
The ornamentation and complex displays of certain male tropical birds such as the peacock and bower bird led to early death in _____ opinion. | Darwin’s |
Darwin reasoned that if males could reproduce more, shortened longevity would become_____. | common |
Sexual selection was defined as an _____ some individuals had over others for reproduction. | advantage |
Sexual selection is now regarded as a subtype of _____ _____. | natural selection |
Female bower birds carefully inspect the quality of construction of bowers. Care and neatness relate to fewer _____ and a better _____ history. | ectoparasites, developmental |
The female bower bird selects the male who will fertilize her eggs. Female selection is the _____ in the animal kingdom. | norm |
The pattern of multiple sex partners typical of males is thought to be related to differences in sperm and _____. | eggs |
Sperm and eggs contain the male’s and female’s _____. | DNA |
The males contribution to the next generation depends on how many females he can _____. | impregnate |
Female reproductive success is limited by the number of eggs she can produce and _____ of offspring. | care |
Care of offspring is important since it increases the odds that the offspring will grow to _____ and reproduce. | maturity |
Numerous sperm vs. comparatively few eggs to fertilize sets the stage for _____ _____. | sperm competition |
The ratio of sexually active males to sexually receptive females is called the operational _____ _____. | sex ratio |
The time, energy, and risks of raising offspring is called parental _____. Time, energy, and risks are _____. | investment, costs |
In some species, the male assumes parental duties. This is referred to as sex role _____. | reversal |
Sex role reversal influences which gender competes for mates and who _____ the breeding partner. | chooses |
The theory of sex role difference predicts that if the operational sex ratio changes during breeding season, sexual _____ of males and females should change. | tactics |
One of the most common features of life on earth is outright _____ between males to possess females. | fighting |
One of the most widespread effects of sexual competition is large body _____. | size |
In species where males compete, females tend to be _____. | smaller |
The wide but similar variety of weapons that have evolved to aid aggression represent _____ evolution. | convergent |
Fighting among males is generally to establish a _____. | hierarchy |
The male at the top of the hierarchy is called an _____ male. | alpha |
The frequency of copulation of high and low ranking baboons is about _____. | equal |
High ranking males, however, copulate with females when they are _____. | fertile |
One alternative to gaining access to females during estrus is to _____ them. | befriend |
Alpha males can be attacked and ousted by lower ranking males who have _____ together. | banded |
Conditional mating strategies are alternatives to _____ larger opponents. | fighting |
Male horse shoe crabs either attach to a female while she is offshore heading for the beach or wait on the beach for an opportunity. Because physical condition is the determinant, the mating strategy is _____. | conditional |
The ruff sandpiper has three distinct male phenotypes each of which have a distinct mating pattern. This variation is not conditional but _____. | genetic |
Sperm competition refers to competition between males in regard to _____ success. | fertilization |
Sperm wars occur in _____ animal groups. | most |
The male of the black-winged damselfly wins the sperm competition by physically _____ a competitor’s sperm. | removing |
Female birds who have multiple partners play a role in sperm competition by controlling the _____ of their pairing with other males . | timing |
Techniques used by a male to prevent his partner from being inseminated by another male is known as _____ _____. | mate guarding |
The purpose of mate guarding is to increase the probability that the sperm that fertilize eggs do not belong to an in _____. | intruder |
The choice of who to mate with is exercised primarily by females and is influenced by food offerings called _____ gifts. | nuptial |
In cases where nuptial gifts are food offerings, copulation last only as long as the _____. | food |
Variation in the amount of copulatory time will influence the quantity of eggs _____. | fertilized |
In some insects both mate guarding and nuptial gifts involve the _____ of the male. His body becomes a morbid chastity belt or he, himself, is the nuptial gift. | death |
Care for offspring can also be a selection factor. Bodily motion is important in mate selection in stickleback fish where the male guards the nest. Fanning water _____ eggs and increases their chance of _____. | oxygenates, hatching |
A variety of benefits of mate selection based on the brightness of plumage and the complexity of courtship have been proposed. In zebra finches, brightness of plumage was related to _____ which relates to immune system health. | beta-carotene |
Offspring of zebra finches with bright coloration have stronger _____ systems. | immune |
In a control experiment with zebra finches in which eggs were exchanged between nests, the size of the foster fledgling related to the brightness of the foster parents plumage suggesting a _____ _____ hypothesis over genetics. | good parent |
Female canaries tend to select males who can trill rapidly and at the higher frequencies of canary vocalization. This involves mate selection without a _____ benefit. | tangible |
A possible explanation of canary mate selection and that of the Kenyan widowbird which is selected on the basis of tail-feather length is _____ _____. | sensory stimulation |
Females who mate with several males during the breeding season may evaluate _____ _____. | sexual performance |
Healthy mates theory of female choices in mates sees the benefit being freedom from ectoparasites and bacterial _____. | pathogens |
The theory that proposes that the primary benefit of discerning mate choice is a healthy immune system is called _____ _____ theory. | good genes |
The concept that female selection of mates is based on attractiveness and the hope that male offspring will inherit attractiveness and the female, the motherâs preferences is known as _____ _____ theory. | runaway selection |
Testing these three theories is difficult because proposed benefits _____. | overlap |
Sexual conflict exists. Female orangutans give into eager young males that have been _____ them for several days. | harassing |
Dominant and subordinate chimpanzees will assault females sometimes leading to their _____. | death |
In the chase-away theory of male ornamentation and display behavior, the concept is purely based on sensory stimulation _____ any survival benefit being necessarily attached. | without |
An example of chase-away theory is the fruit fly. The maleâs semen contains a _____ which kills the sperm from prior male copulation, decreases female _____ and may affect fertilization of eggs. | toxin, longevity |