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Unit 1 Vocabulary

Chapters 1, 2, and 3

Coastal Plain The southernmost geographic region in Georgia, further divided into the Lower Coastal Plain and the Upper Coastal Plain.
Fall LIne Geological boundary between the lower level of the Coastal Plain to the higher level of the Piedmont, where rapids and waterfalls occur.
Piedmont A plateau between the Coastal Plain and the Appalachian Mountains.
Appalachian Mountains A larger mountain range that stretches northward from Central Alabama to Canada.
Blue Ridge Mountains A mountain range extending SW from N Virginia to N Georgia: part of the Appalachian Mountains.
Valley and Ridge A part of the Appalachian Mountains, but its terrain is characterized by fertile valleys lying between long, narrow mountain ridges
Appalachian Plateau Georgia's smallest geographic region is in the northwest corner of the state.
Region A part of the earth's surface (land or sea) of considerable and usually indefinite extent.
Sunbelt The southern and southwestern region of the United States.
Archaeologist A scientist who studies the past based on materials such as fossils and artifacts that ancient people left behind.
Artifacts An object made, modified, or used by humans in the past.
Agriculture Cultivating the soil to produce props.
Culture The common values and traditions of a society, such as language, government, and family relationships.
Weather the condition of the air for a given place and time.
Climate a regions average weather conditions over a long period.
Hurricanes spiraling wind systems that can cause great damage.
Tornado a spiraling, funnel-shaped wind system that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground.
Ozone a gas made up of three atoms of oxygen that form in the air when certain chemicals react with sunlight.
Aquifers underground layers of rocks and gravel.
Hazardous Wastes chemically-based products which can be dangerous to people's health and the environment.
Chattahoochee River river that flows south from the Blue Ridge Mountains, through Atlanta, and forms much of Georgia's western border with Alabama.
Savannah River river that forms much of Georgia's northeastern border with South Carolina, serve as a shipping channel for the port of Savannah.
Drought a shortage of water when little rain falls and crops are damaged.
Prehistoric relating to the time before written history.
Paleo-Indians the first Americans who crossed from Asia into North America approximately 10,000 years ago.
Archaic period the period of history after the last Ice Age, from approximately 8000 B.C. to 1000 B.C.
Woodland period the period of history after the Archaic period, from approximately 1000 B.C. to 900 A.D.
Mississippian period the period following the Woodland Period, from approximately 900 to 1600, during which European explorers arrived.
Martillineal tracing ancestry through the mothers family
Hierarchy the organization of people into different social rankings
Oral History historical information passed on through a spoken record
Confederacy a group of people who band together for political or militayr strength
Creek Confederacy a North American Indian confederacy organized by the Muskogee that dominated the southeastern part of the United States before being removed to Oklahoma
Lower Creek Native American people traditionally from the southeastern United States.
Upper Creek The modern Muscogee live primarily in Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Their language, Mvskoke, is a member of the Muscogee branch of the Muscogean language family.
Chokofa a ceremonial meetinghouse in the center of a Creek statement
Seminole a group descended from the Mississippians that lived in northern Florida and some parts of Georgia
Cherokee a member of an important tribe of North American Indians whose first known center was in the southern Alleghenies and who presently live in North Carolina and Oklahoma
Renaissance the European civilization from the 1300s to 1600
Conquistadors a spanish soldier who led military expeditions in the Americas
Gulf Stream a powerful ocean current that flows from the Gulf of Mexico north along East Coast of North America
New France The possessions of France in North America from the 1500s until the Treaty of Paris (1763), which awarded French holdings to Great Britain and Spain
Mercantilism practices or spirit; commercialism.
Charter a written contract used by a government
Joint-Stock Company an association of individuals in a business enterprise with transferable shares of stock
Indentured Servants a person who came to America and was placed under contract to work for another over a period of time, usually seven years, especially during the 17th to 19th centuries.
Monopoly exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices.
Azilia a species of flowering plant in the Apiaceae, the only member of the genus Azilia.
Pilgrims a person who journeys, especially a long distance, to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion
Purtians protestants who wanted to reform the Church of England
Commonwealth a community in which people work together for the good of the whole
Triangular Trade a pattern of colonial commerce in which slaves were bought on the African Gold Coast with New England rum and then traded in the West Indies for sugar or molasses
Cash Crop a crop that is raised to be sold for money
Gullah a member of a population of black Americans inhabiting the Sea Islands and the coastal regions of South Carolina, Georgia, and northeastern Florida.
Plantation Economy an economy which is based on agricultural mass production, usually of a few staple products grown on large farms called plantations
Backcountry a sparsely populated rural region remote from a settled area.
Great Wagon Road a colonial American improved trail transiting the Great Appalachian Valley from Pennsylvania to North Carolina, and from there to Georgia.
Apprentice a person legally bound through indenture to a master craftsman in order to learn a trade.
Dame School a school in which the rudiments of reading, writing, and arithmetic were taught to neighborhood children by a woman in her own home.
Enlightenment a philosophical movement of the 18th century, characterized by belief in the power of human reason and by innovations in political, religious, and educational doctrine.
Great Awakening the series of religious revivals among Protestants in the American colonies, especially in New England, lasting from about 1725 to 1770.
Stono Rebellion a revolt of enslaved Africans that caused great fear among colonists
Trustees a person who holds the title to property for the benefit of another.
Mounds an elevation formed of earth, sand, stones, etc., especially over a grave or ruins.
Charter of 1732 document granting control of the colony or Georgia to the Trustees
Yamacraw Bluff the site chosen for the first town in the colony of Georgia
Treaty of Svannah Articles of Friendship and Commerce between the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America and the Chief Men of the nation of the Lower Creeks.
Palisade a fence of pales or stakes set firmly in the ground, as for enclosure or defense.
Augusta a city in E Georgia, on the Savannah River.
Battle of Bloody Marsh this took place on July 18, 1742 (new style) between Spanish and British forces in the Province of Georgia, resulting in a victory for the British
Parishes an ecclesiastical district having its own church and member of the clergy.
Commons House of Assembly a group of Colonists elected to serve in the royal colonial legislature
French and Island War Comprised two French military interventions in Madagascar between 1883 and 1896 that overthrew the ruling monarchy of the Merina Kingdom
Treaty of Paris Treaty of Paris (1951), established the European Coal and Steel Community; though now expired, it was one of the foundational treaties of the European Union
Treaty of Augusta Agreement negotiated by Governor Wright with the Creek that tripled the size of georgia
Acts of Trade a series of laws that restricted the use of foreign ships for trade between Britain and its colonies
Sugar Act A law passed by Parliament that provided for closer enforcement of merchants' sugar purchases
Quartering Act Is a name given to a minimum of two Acts of British Parliament in the 18th century
Stamp Act A law passed by Parliament that raised tax money by requiring colonists to pay for an official stamp
Townshend Acts acts of the British Parliament in 1767, especially the act that placed duties on tea, paper, lead, and paint
Sons of Liberty a group of colonists who opposed British policies and pressured merchants not to sell taxed items
Created by: Alaizha
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