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Chapter Two

Comparative Psychology

Eusocial insects are highly organized and form __________. colonies
Eusocial insects are comprised of thousands of species of termites, ants, wasps, and some species of __________. bees
A non-scientific theory that was proposed to explain the complex social organization of eusocial insect colonies is __________ __________ theory. intelligent design
Intelligent design theory cannot be classified as scientific because its hypothesis is not __________. testable
Because intelligent design theory proposes a supernatural being as a creative force, the theory is considered __________. religious
Insect colonies contain few reproductive individuals. There is a queen, a few reproductive males called drones, and thousands of sterile female workers. The sterile females are considered to be __________ because they sacrifice their own reproductivity. altruistic
In performing protective functions for the colony such as stinging intruders or sealing the entrance to the colony at night, these individuals sacrifice their __________ for the good of the colony. lives
Sacrificial behavior, especially that of individual reproductive rights, constitutes a Darwinian __________. puzzle
Darwin reasoned that the puzzle of insect reproductive altruism could be solved if other family members passed on the traits. Darwin's thought was developed and modernized by a biologist know as William __________. Hamilton
The coefficient of relatedness between a man and his nephew is .25. This is because when a brother and sister has a child their own inherited genetic contribution from their parents is diluted by another __________ through marriage to their spouse. one-half
Fitness is reproductive success. Fitness refers to the number of __________ contributed to the next generation. genes
Fitness gained through personal reproduction was defined by Hamilton as __________ fitness. direct
Fitness gained by directly helping kin survive and reproduce is know as __________ fitness. indirect
The sum of direct fitness plus the fitness gained by helping kin reproduce who would not have been able to do so without this individual's help is know as __________ fitness. inclusive
Assume an individual has one offspring and also helps a sister to have three offspring. The value of the inclusive fitness measure is one point __________? one point two five
Hamilton's rule states that a trait can become more common if the indirect fitness gained by the non-reproductive altruist is __________ than the direct fitness lost by the self-sacrificing altruist. greater
Bees, wasps, and ants are referred by biologists as the __________. Hymenoptera
Hymenoptera have a unique chromosomal makeup. The full count of chromosomes for the species is possessed by female is referred to as the __________ number of chromosomes whereas the males possess only half that number of __________ value. diploid ; haploid
During sperm production, the chromosomes do not divide in the male, as they do in most species, hence all sperm are __________. identical
The father’s genes from his sperm contribute __________ percent of the daughter’s genes. fifty
The mother's egg also contribute fifty percent of her genes to the daughter, however, the similarity of those genes to the mother is only point __________ because 1/2 or 50% of her genes are randomly selected during egg production. twenty-one
The coefficient of relatedness between all females in a colony is more than one-half and actually point __________. seventy-five
Female workers bias their efforts towards the care of other _____ because females share 75% genetic similarity with their sisters and only 25% similarity with their brothers. females
Most studies find an investment ratio of __________ in favor of reproductively competent females across monogamous colonial species thus supporting the importance of monogamy and haplodiploid sex determination in the evolution of sterile worker castes. three to one
Another component of evolutionary theory besides natural selection is descent __________ __________. with modification
This notion embodies the concept that today’s living species are the product of __________ change in past species. gradual
Representations of possible evolutionary history in a species are known as __________. phylogenic trees
There are both polyandrous [multiple mates] and monogamous Hymenopterans. Phylogeny suggests the most likely base of eusociality is __________. monogamous mating
Sterile work forces dedicated to the care of reproductively competent females may be a byproduct of selection pressures related to __________. disease
The dance of the honey bee is one of the marvels of communication in the insect world. Information in the dance provides data on distance and __________ to the source of nectar. angle
32. If the honey bee performs a round dance, the food supply is within __________ meters fifty
The angular information in the dance is based upon the position of the food relative to the position of the __________. sun
A researcher by the name of Lindauer proposed that origin of the dance of the bees occurred possibly in __________ stages. three
In general, punitive control techniques suggest that the best way to boost inclusive fitness is __________ fitness. indirect
4. Intelligent design theory maintains that insect social behavior is the handiwork of a __________ __________. superior being
Created by: blitz0825
Popular Psychology sets




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