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Academic Word List 3

alternative something that is different from something else, especially from what is usual, and offering the possibility of choice
circumstance a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is
comment a verbal or written remark expressing an opinion or reaction
compensation to pay someone money in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem
component a part or element of a larger whole
consent Agreement or permission
considerable large or of noticeable importance
constant happening a lot or all the time
contain have or hold (someone or something) within
contribution to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people
coordinate To get people together in order to have a meeting
core A central and fundamental part of something
corporate Relating to a large company
corresponding Matching or to be similar or equal to
criteria A principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided
deduction To reach an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts
demonstrate To clearly show the truth or existence of something by providing evidence or proof.
document To record the details of an event, a process, etc
dominant Have power and influence over something or someone
emphasis special importance, value, or prominence given to something
ensure to make something certain to happen
exclude to deny access to somewhere or something
framework a supporting structure around which something can be built
funds money saved or made available for a particular purpose
illustrate to clearly show the meaning or truth of something, particularly by giving examples
immigrate to live permanently in a foreign country
imply to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly
initial at the beginning; first
instance an example or single occurrence of something / situation
interaction to react to or communicate with
justify to give or to be a good reason for
layer a level of material that is different from the material above or below it
locate to be in a particular place
maximize make as large or great as possible
minor unimportant, having little influence or effect.
negate to cause something to have no effect
outcome result
partner a person who takes part in something with another or others, especially in a business or another formal arrangement / the person you are married to, living with, or having an intimate relationship with
philosophy the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence / a particular system of beliefs, values, and principles
physical of and related to the body
proportion a part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole
publish to make information available to people, especially in a book, magazine, or newspaper, or to produce and sell a book, magazine, or newspaper
reaction act in response to something; respond in a particular way
register to record, show, or express something / an official list or record of names or items
reliance depend on
remove to take something or someone away from somewhere
scheme a large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining an objective
sequence a series of related things or events, or the order in which they follow each other
shift a (often slight) change in position, direction, or tendency
specified identify clearly and definitely
sufficient enough
task a piece of work to be done or undertaken
technical relating to the knowledge, machines, or methods used in science and industry or the knowledge related to a particular subject or job
technology the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry
valid based on truth or reason; able to be accepted
volume book forming part of a work or series / degree of loudness / the number or amount of something in general
sex the state of being either male or female
Created by: NoelleBordelon



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