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Pharmacopoeia I

Ch 4 Herbs that Drain Dampness

Fu Ling *** (Poria, fungus that grows on roots of pine trees) Promotes urination and leaches out dampness; Strengthens the SP and harmonizes the middle burner; Strengthens the SP to transform phlegm; Quiets the HT and calms spirit
Zhu Ling *** “Pig’s fungus” Promotes urination and leaches out dampness
Ze Xie *** “Marsh drain/leach out” (water plantain) Promotes urination and leaches out dampness; Settles ministerial fire in the KD (with yin xu heat) by draining damp-heat from lower jiao
Yi Yi Ren *** (Job’s tears, coix seeds) Facilitates the resolution of dampness and strengthens SP; Facilitates the resolution of dampness to eliminate Bi; Clears heat and expels pus; Clears D-H for any damp-heat disorder with greasy tongue coating and GI problems. Best in large doses
Che Qian Zi *** “Before the cart seed” (Plantago seed) Promotes urination and clears damp-heat; promote urination to solidify stool; clears the eyes (for LV or KD Xu); expels phlegm and stops cough
Hua Shi *** “Slippery stone” (talcum) Clears heat, facilitates the resolution of dampness; clears summerheat and facilitates the resolution of dampness; absorbs dampness. Topically – has binding quality for eczema
Mu Tong *** “wood unblock” Promotes urination and unblocks painful urinary dribbling; promotes urine to drain heat from HT via SI, promotes lactation and unblocks the blood vessels (especially with pig feet)
Di Fu Zi *** “Earth Skin Seeds” (broom cypress) Clears damp-heat and promotes urination; expels dampness and stops itching (like eczema, scabes, any kind of rashes)
Bi Xie *** “Soft tokoro rhizome” (fish poison yam rhizome) Separates pure from turbid; expels wind-dampness, relaxes the sinews, and unblocks the collaterals; Clears damp-heat from the skin (eczema, pustular sores, etc)
Jin Qian Cao *** “gold money grass” Promotes urination, unblocks painful urinary dribbling, expels urinary tract stones; Clears damp-heat in LV/GB and expel gallstones (jaundice and eyes); Resolves toxicity and swelling
Chi Xiao Dou *** “Small red beans” Promotes urination and reduces edema; facilitates the resolution of dampness and heat; Disperses blood stasis, reduces swelling, and reduces fire toxicity
Yin Chen (Hao) *** “full/effulgent old”? Clears heat, resolves dampness, and reduces jaundice (#1 herb for jaundice—D-H or D-cold); Clears heat and facilitates the resolution of dampness
Tong Cao ** “Unblocking grass” Promotes urination and clears heat; promotes lactation in cases where it is insufficient or absent
Deng Xin Cao ** “Lamp heart herb/grass” Promotes urination and unblocks painful urinary dribbling; Clears the HT (and LU) and directs fire downward
Qu Mai ** “Wheat--- “ Clears the damp-heat, promotes urination, unblocks painful urinary dribbling; breaks up blood stasis
Bian Xu ** Clears damp-heat from the BL, promotes urination, unblocks painful urinary dribbling; expels (intestinal) parasites and stops itching
Shi Wei ** (a mineral/stone) Clears damp-heat and unblocks painful urinary dribbling for either hot, stony, or painful bloody urinary dribbling due to damp-heat; Clears heat and stops bleeding; Clears the LU. Helps to unblock and facilitate passage of stone
Dong Gua Zi ** “winter melon seed” (wax gourd seed) Clears heat, expels phlegm, and promotes the discharge of pus (internal abscesses); Clears heat and drains dampness (pathogenic water)
Dong Gua Pi ** ‘Winter melon peel/skin” Facilitates urination and reduces swelling
Hai Jin Sha ** “Gold Sea sand” Promotes urination, unblocks painful urinary dribbling, expels stones (KD and GB); Promotes urination, reduces edema, and decreases jaundice
Ban Bian Lian ** “Half edge lotus” Promotes urination and reduces edema; Cools the blood and resolves toxicity (for bee/wasp stings and snake bites)
Han Fang Ji ** “Han protect yin-earth/self” (Stephania root) Promotes urination and reduces edema (esp lower body); expels wind-dampness and alleviates pain
Mu Fang Ji ** “Wood protect yin-earth/self” Dispels wind and eliminates dampness; promotes urination and reduces swellings
Yu Mi Xu ** (corn silk) Promotes urination, reduces eczema, and unblocks painful urinary dribbling; Clears damp-heat from LV and GB
Created by: Nyssab
Popular Pharmacology sets




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