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Chapter Five

Intro Comm - Chapter 5

nonverbal communication behaviors and characteristics that convey meaning without the use of words
emoticons textual representations of facial expressions; emojis
nonverbal channels the various behavioral forms that nonverbal communication takes
deception the act of leading others to believe something the speaker knows to be untrue
immediacy behaviors nonverbal signals of affection and affiliation
facial displays facial expressions that are an important source of information in nonverbal communication
symmetry the similarity between the left and the right sides of a face or body
proportionality the relative sizes of facial or body features
oculesics the study of eye behavior
kinesics the study of movement
gesticulation the use of arm and hand movements to communicate
emblems gestures that have a direct verbal translation
illustrators gestures that go along with verbal message to clarify it
affect displays gestures that communicate emotion
regulators gestures that control the flow of conversation
affectionate touch behaviors such as hugging, kissing, and handholding
caregiving touch touch from others while receiving some form of care or service
power and control touch touches used to exert power over people's behaviors
aggressive touch behaviors done to inflict physical harm
ritualistic touch touch that is part of a custom or tradition
adaptors gestures used to satisfy a personal need
haptics the study of the sense of touch
vocalics characteristics of the voice that communicate meaning
paralanguage vocalic behaviors that communicate meaning along with verbal behavior
vocal behaviors pitch, inflection, volume, filler words, pronunciation, articulation, accent, silence
olfactics the study of the sense of smell
proxemics the study of the use of space
intimate distance the zone of space willingly occupied only with intimate friends, family members, and romantic partners
personal distance the zone of space occupied with close friends and relatives
social distance the zone of space occupied with casual acquaintances
public distance the zone of space maintained during a public presentation
halo effect a predisposition to attribute positive qualities to physically attractive people
chronemics the use of time
artifacts objects and visual features that reflect a person's identity and preferences
Created by: moogoogaiboo
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