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Chapter 13 & 14

A SYNDROME marked by a clinically significant DISTURBANCE in a person’s thoughts, feelings, or behavior. Psychological disorder
Normal vs. Abnormal behavior : Important to keep in mind that normal and abnormal is best represented along a Continuum. Psychological disorder
Statistical frequency,behavior being JUDGED abnormal if it occurs infrequently (not very often ) in a given population . ROAD-RAGE fussing NORMAL; RUNNING sowing off the roads not ANGER MANAGEMENT EX. Deviant behavior
Whether or not a PERSON's normal day to day functions r being affected like getting along w/ others ,HOLDING a JOB,EATING PROPERLY,CLEANING Themselves. Their ability to think clearly & Act rationally may also be affected.(ALCOHOLICS & can't go to work.) Dysfunctional Behavior
Psychological disorders "sicknesses" tilts research heavily toward the influence of our personal histories & social & cultural surroundings . Biophysical Approach
determining whether an individual has a psychological disorder & several calculations that must be made.(Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental DISORDERS , widely used system for classifying PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS. DSM-V
Psychological Disorder characterized by distressing , PERSISTENT anxiety or MALADAPTIVE behaviors that reduce anxiety( Ex. A man w/ fear of social settings may avoid goin out)MALADAPTIVE biz it may reduce his anxiety but does not help him cope w/ his worl Anxiety Disorder
Unreasonable ,often paralyzing,anxiety or fear ,occur twice as often in women than men ,most frequently occurring category in general population. Anxiety Disorder
We all have situations where we may experience accelerated breathing and increased heart rate (final exams,job interviews ), but this is so intense & chronic it seriously disrupt lives. Anxiety Disorders
Disorders in which conscious awareness becomes separated (Dissociated ) from previous MEMORIES ,THOUGHTS, and FEELINGS. Dissociative Disorders
Disorders characterized by inflexible & enduring behavior patterns that IMPAIR SOCIAL FUNCTIONING. Personality Disorders
Continued substance craving & use despite significant life disruption & or physical risk. Substance use Disorder / Substance related Disorder
EXTREME DISTURBANCES in emotional states; 2 main types BIPOLAR & MAJOR depressive disorder Mood Disorders
(Anxiety last for 6 months ) disorder in w/c a person is continually tense,fearful, & in a state AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM AROUSAL. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Disorder marked by unpredictable minutes- long episodes of intense dread in w/c a person experiences terror & accompanying chest pain,choking or other frightening sensations. Panic Disorder
Disorder marked by a persistent , IRRATIONAL FEAR & avoidance or a specific object or situation . Phobias
Disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (OBSESSIONS) and or Actions ( Compulsions ) Ex. Fear of GERMS ,being hurt,troubling religion or sexual thoughts ,also repeatedly checking,counting,cleaning,washing body parts or putting things in cer Obsessive -Compulsive Disorder ( OCD )
disorder characterized by haunting memories,nightmares ,social withdrawal ,jump anxiety ,numbness of feeling , & or insomnia lingering for four weeks or more after traumatic experience Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder
controversial rare disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct & alternating personalities ( formally known as MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER ) Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
(Older terms sociopath/psychopath ) A personality disorder in w/c the person ( USSUALLY a MAN) exhibits a lack of conscience for wrongdoing ,even toward friends & family members. Antisocial Personality Disorder
Drugs that reduce neutral activity & slow body functions. Depressants
Depressant drugs example Alcohol,barbiturates,opiates
Drugs that excite neural activity and speed up body functions . Stimulants Mahfouz rhythm
Stimulant drugs example ( Caffeine ,nicotine ,amphetamines,cocaine ,ecstasy )
PSYCHEDELIC drugs that distort perceptions & evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input ( LSD , ( ACID ) , Marijuana ) Hallucinogens
LONG-LASTING depressed mood that interferes with the ability to function ,feel pleasure , or maintain interest in life. Major depressive disorder
a MOOD disorder in which the person alternates between the HOPELESSNESS & LETHARGY of depression & the OVEREXCITED state of MANIA. Bipolar Disorder
Treatment involving psychological techniques ; interactions between a trained therapist & someone seeking to overcome psychological difficulties or achieve personal growth. Psychotherapy
PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS or procedures that act directly on the person's physiology. Biomedical Therapy
The point is to unlock the secrets of the unconscious ,remember psychoanalysis emphasizes unconscious conflicts & processes. in therapy they try to get beyond defense mechanisms of the EGO,and brings issues into consciousness. Psychoanalysis
Therapy that focuses on removing obstacles that block PERSONAL GROWTH and POTENTIAL. Humanistic Therapies
Believed that people are SUFFERING from a disruption from their NORMAL GROWTH POTENTIAL,w/c in turn affects self-concept. (Self accepting ,genuine person is capable of being.)CARL ROGERS Humanistic Therapies
Therapy that applies LEARNING PRINCIPLES to the elimination of unwanted behaviors . Behavioral Therapies
Therapy that TEACHES PEOPLE NEW, more adaptive ways of thinking ; based on the assumption that thoughts intervene between events & our emotional reactions. Cognitive therapies
Therapy ussually with 6-10 people of families ; research indicates it is just as effective as individual therapy Group and family therapy
Reporting whatever comes to mind without monitoring its contents. Free Association
Interpreting the underlying true meaning of dreams to reveal unconscious processes . Dream Analysis
The blocking from conscious of ANXIETY - LADEN material. Resistance
The patients transfer to the analyst of emotions linked with other relationships ( Also countertransference) Transference
The Psychoanalyst's explanation of a patients FREE ASSOCIATIONs,DREAMS,RESISTANCE, and TRANSFERENCE. Interpretation
CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVE that evolved from psychoanalysis: Psychodynamic Therapy
Person-Centered Therapy - therapy that emphasizes the clients natural tendency to become healthy and productive . Client- Centered Therapy (Carl Rogers )
An INSIGHTFUL AWARENESS & ability to share another's inner experience . Empathy
LOVE & ACCEPTANCE with no contingencies attached. Unconditional Positive Regard
The awareness of one's own TRUE INNER THOUGHTS and feelings & being able to share them honestly with others. Genuinness/ authenticity
EMPATHETIC LISTENING in which the listener echoes,restates and clarifies. Active listening
COUNTERCONDITIONING - using classical conditioning to evoke new responses to stimuli that are triggering unwanted behaviors ; Examples : EXPOSURE THERAPY & AVERSIVE CONDITIONING Classical conditioning techniques
BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION - reinforcing behaviors that are desirable , & fail to reinforce - or sometimes punish - behaviors they consider undesirable. Operant conditioning techniques
Combines COGNITIVE THERAPY ( changing faulty thinking ) with behavior therapy ( Changing faulty behaviors ) Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy
goal is to ELMINATE EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS rational examination of irrational beliefs . ussually resul from " SHOULDS " & " MUSTS" Rational - Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
Treats the family as a system ; views an individual's unwanted Family Therapy
3 basics benefits offered by all psychotherapies Hope for demoralized people,a new perspective on one's self & the world,An Empathetic ,trusting,& caring relationship.
3 kinds Iof BIOMEDICAL THERAPIES. Psychopharmaceuticals or Drug Therapies (Categories of Drugs) ,Brain stimulation (ECT),Psychosurgery ( LOBOTONOMIES )
Examples of Therapeutic Life-Style Change Aerobic exercise , Adequate sleep, light exposure,social interactions ,anti- rumination,Nutritional supplements .
The scientific study of BEHAVIOR & MENTAL processes. Psychology
Known as the "FATHER OF PSYCHOLOGY" ( Philosopher and Physiologist ) WILHELM WUNDT
Known as the " FATHER OF AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGY" ( American Philosopher ) WILLIAM JAMES
Results caused by EXPECTATIONS alone. PLACEBO EFFECT
Mental states,other than ordinary walking consciousness,found during sleep ,dreaming ,Psychoactive drug use ,hypnosis ,meditation , etc. ALTERNATE STATES of CONSCIOUSNESS ( ASCs)
Group of Techniques designed to refocus attention,block out all distractions , & produce an alternate state of consciousness. Meditation.
Trancelike state of heightened suggestibility ,deep relaxation,and intense focus ; also considered a social interaction in which one person ( hypnotist) suggests to another (subject ) that certain perceptions,feelings,thoughts, or behaviors will spontaneo Hypnosis
controversy over whether individual differences are the result of genetic endowment (nature) or the consequence of learning, i.e. experiences (nurture) Nature Vs. Nurture controversy
impose rules and expect obedience, but are not very warm and responsive; “Keep your room clean.” “Don’t stay out late or you’ll be grounded.” “Why? Because I said so.” Authoritarian
submit to their children’s desires, make few demands, and use little punishment. Permissive
both demanding and responsive, set rules and enforce them but also explain the reasons, and, for older children, encourage open discussion and allow exceptions when making the rules. Authoritative
the initial stage, when we link a neutral stimulus (NS) and an unconditioned stimulus (US) so that the neutral stimulus (NS=CS) begins triggering the conditioned response (CR) Acquisition
the tendency, after conditioning, to respond similarly to stimuli that resemble the conditioned stimulus (CS) Generalization
the learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and other irrelevant stimuli Discrimination
the weakening of a conditioned response (CR) when an unconditioned stimulus (US) does not follow a conditioned stimulus (CS) Extinction
the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response (CR) Spontaneous Recovery
Associating a pleasant,relaxed state with gradually increasing,, ANXIETY-TRIGGERING stimuli ( commonly used to treat Phobias) Systematic Desensitization ( exposure therapy )
An anxiety treatment that progressively exposes people to electronic simulations of their GREATEST FEARS. ( Airplane flying, spiders, or public speaking ) Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy
INDIVIDUAL's JUDEGEMENT of his/her level of functioning ;causing them emotional distress,sometimes causes OCD ,Ex. HOARDING,people get depressed but don't feel there is nothing they can do. Distressful behavior
- A psychological disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and/or diminished, inappropriate emotional expression Schizophrenia
-behavioral techniques that treat anxieties by exposing people (in imagination or actual situations) to the things they fear and avoid; 2 techniques Exposure Therapies
associating an unpleasant state with an unwanted behavior (like when therapists give alcoholics drinks laced with severe nausea drugs, or you give a nail-biter that awful tasting polish Aversive Conditioning
Created by: sunflowersplace
Popular Psychology sets




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