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Chapter Ten

Intro Comm - Chapter 10

Brainstorming An idea-gathering process in which group members offer whatever ideas they wish before any are debating.
Nominal Group Technique (NGT) An idea-generating process in which group members generate their initial ideas silently and independently and then combine them and consider them as a group.
Ideawriting An idea-generating process in which each member adds 3 or 4 ideas to a pile & then offers comments on others' ideas. Afterward, members respond to comments made about their ideas and generate a master list of ideas worthy of consideration.
Unanimous Consensus Uncontested support for a decision - sometimes the only option in a group's decision-making process.
Stalemate An outcome where members' opinions are so sharply divided that consensus is impossible to achieve.
False Consensus An outcome where some members of a group say the support the unanimous decision even though they do not.
Majority Rule A decision-making process that follows the will of the majority.
Minority Rule A decision-making process in which a small number of members makes a decision on behalf of the group.
Expert Opinion Recommendations of individuals who have expertise in a particular area that are sometimes the basis of a group's decision-making process.
Authority Rule A decision-making process in which the leader of the group makes the decisions.
Traits Defining characteristics of a person that are often relatively enduring and not easily changeable.
Physical Traits The body's physical attributes.
Psychosocial Traits Characteristics of one's personality and ways of relating to others.
Extroversion A personality trait shared by people who are friendly, assertive, and outgoing with others.
Introversion A personality trait shared by people who are shy, reserved, and aloof.
Communication Apprehension Anxiety or fear about communicating with others.
Democratic Style A leadership style in which every member of a group has the right to participate in decision making.
Autocratic Style A leadership style in which leaders see themselves as having both the authority and the responsibility to take action on a group's behalf.
Laissez-faire Style A leadership style in which leaders offer minimal supervision.
Power the ability to influence or control people or events.
Reward Power A form of power based on the leader's ability to reward another for doing what the leader says.
Coercive Power A form of power that comes from the ability to punish.
Referent Power A form of power that derives from attraction to the leader.
Legitimate Power A form of power in which leaders' status or position gives them the right to make requests with which others must comply.
Expert Power a form of power that stems from having expertise in a particular areas.
Informational Power A form of power that stems from the ability to control access to information.
Five Styles of Conflict Competing, Avoiding, Compromising, Collaborating, Accomodating
Competing Style Represents a high concern for our own needs and desires and low concern for those of the other party.
Avoiding Style Demonstrates low concern for both the self and the other party.
Accommodating Style Opposite of competing and reflects a high concern for the other party but a low concern for the self.
Compromising Style Reflects a moderate concern for everyone's needs and desires.
Collaborating Style Represents a high concern for the needs of both sides in a conflict.
Groupthink a situation in which group members seek unanimous agreement despite their individual doubts.
Illusion of Invulnerability Group members are overly confident in their position, ignoring obvious problems.
Collective Rationalization Members "explain away" any ideas that are contrary to the group's position.
Illusion of Morality Members believe the decisions they make are morally correct ignoring any arguments to the contrary.
Excessive Stereotyping Members construct negative stereotypes of anyone who disagrees with them.
Pressure for Conformity Members feel pressure to conform to the group's decision and are branded as disloyal if they do not.
Self-censorship Members don't speak up if they have dissenting viewpoints.
Illusion of Unanimity Members falsely perceive that everyone agrees with the group's decision, because they don't hear anyone offering counter arguments.
Mindguards Some members actively prevent the group from hearing about arguments or evidence against the group's position.
Barriers to Effective Listing In Groups Noise, Boredom, Information Overload, Rebuttal Tendency
Created by: moogoogaiboo
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