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Phase 2 - Block 1

AFOSH AFI 91-302
Electrical Safety in MTF AFI 41-203
Hazard Report Form 457
Use this if N95 not available PAPR - powered air purifying respirator
PAPR and N95 are ____ masks HEPA - high efficiency particulate air
Hazardous Waste Management Guide AFPAM 32-7043
Measures amount of radiation exposure TLD - thermolucent dosimeter
Double vision Biplopia
Fixed and dilated pupils Mydriasis
Mydriasis results from catecholamines, atropine, brain death
Pinpoint pupils parasympathetic stimulants, opiates
Eyelid drooping ptosis
Nystagmus involuntary eye movement
JVD indicates right heart failure
Right heart failure is also known as Cor pulmonale
Hemoglobin male 13.5 - 16.5
Hemoglobin female 12 - 15
Hematocrit male (%) 40 - 54
Hematocrit female (%) 37 - 47
Sodium 137 - 147
Potassium 3.5 - 4.8
Glucose 70 - 105
Radionuclide Lung Scanning measures ventilation/perfusion and pulmonary embolism
Positron Emission Tomopgraphy (PET scan) measures lesions and cancer
Pulmonary Angiography measures pulmonary circulation
Urine output (ml/hr) 40 - 80
Inspiratory pressures male (cmH2O) > -75
Inspiratory pressures female (cmH2O) > -50
Expiratory pressures male (cmH2O) > 100
Expiratory pressures female (cmH2O) > 80
Vital Capacity less than ___ (ml/kg) = respiratory failure < 10
PEFR (LPM) > 500
RR (BPM) 12 - 20
VT (ml/kg of IBW) 5 - 7
Minute Volume (LPM) < 10 (normal 6 - 10)
Static Compliance VT/Pplat - PEEP
Dynamic Compliance VT/PiP - PEEP
RAW (cmH2O/L/sec) 0.6 - 2.4
PtcCO2 severinghaus electrode
PtcO2 clark electrode
Increase PETCO2 results in decreased ventilation
CVP (mmHg and cmH2O) < 6 or < 12
CVP measures Right heart
Pulmonary Artery Pressure systolic (mmHg) 20 - 30
Pulmonary Artery Pressure distolic (mmHg) 6 - 15
Pulmonary Artery Pressure mean (mmHg) 10 - 20
PAWP/PCWP (mmHg) 2 -12
Increase in PAWP/PCWP indicates left heart
Hypertension > 160/90
Hypotension < 90/60
SVR (dynes/s/cm-5) 900 -1400; left heart
PVR (dynes/s/cm-5) 150 - 250; right heart
Pre-ductal PaO2 right arm
Post-ductal PaO2 umbilical artery
Pre/post ductal PaO2 difference > 15 torr indicates right to left shunt
If > 15 torr measured recommend this test echocardiogram
CT scan (computed tomography) slices of body - (useful in lung tumors, pneumonia, COPD, bronchiectasis, AIDS)
MRI high technology radiograph imaging technique
IBW equation 50 + 2.3(height inches - 60) 45.5 + 2.3 (height inches - 60) [multiply by 2.2 for pounds]
Pulse Pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic
Pulse Pressure (mmHg) 30 - 40
MAP (mean arterial pressure) mmHg 80 - 100
Cardiac output fick equation: QC =VO2/C(a-v)O2 ;QC = HR x SV
Cardiac output (L/min) 5 - 8
Polysomnography sleep study
OSA 10s apnea with abdominal efforts
CSA 10s apnea without abdominal efforts
SOB scale Borg 0-10
CXR, PA scapulae are rotated away from lung
CXR, AP heart size magnified
CXR, lateral views lung bases and parenchyma
CXR, oblique projects abnormalities away from overlying structures
CXR, lordotic view lung apex, lingual, right middle lobe
CXR, lateral decubitus affected side down; to determine presence of free pleural fluid or air fluid level in lung
CXR, lateral neck distinguishes between croup and epiglottits
CXR honeycomb, ground glass, or reticulogranular indicates ARDS
CXR heart measurement horizontal width of heart divided by widest width of thorax - 1:2 or less
CXR COPD hyperlucency and bullae
CXR Pneumonia white consolidations
CXR Atelectasis displacement of fissures toward collapsed lung; dicoid or platelike
CXR left heart failure (CHF) cardiac silhouette enlarged
Mild left heart failure interstitial edema, pulmonary vessel margins less sharp, peripheral interstitial markings dominant
Moderate left heart failure short lines, Kerley B Lines
Severe left heart failure alveolar edema resulting in opacification of lower lung zones
CXR pulmonary embolism wedge-shaped infiltrate, right heart failure
CXR ET tube position T4-T5; 4-6cm above carina
ET tube diameter 1/2 - 2/3 of tracheal lumen
Tracheostomy tube 1/2 - 2/3 distance between stoma and carina
Transcutaneous electrode is placed on fatty tissue
Transcutaneous electrode is ___ degrees celsius 44
Patient positioning prevents bed sores, thromboembolism, muscle wasting, atelectasis, pneumonia
Absolute contraindications for repositioning patient unstable spinal cord injuries and traction
Avoid leaving ____ patients in supine comatose / helpless
Radiolucent body tissues that are penetrated by x-rays; produces black area on CXR
Radiodensity ability of object to block x-ray energy, determined by composition and thickness
Radiopaque body tissues that cannot be penetrated produces white area on CXR
Consolidation occurs when fluid present in lung; increase radiodensity
Infiltrate demonstrates area of lung with increased opacity; ill defined
MIP measures muscle strength (diaphragm)
MEP varies depending on function of abdominal, accessory muscles and elastic recoil
Pleural friction rub is also known as pleurisy
Stridor caused by croup, epiglottitis, extubation
Kussmaul's increased RR and depth / labored (DKA patients)
Biot's increased RR and depth w irregular apnea
Enlarged and tender lymph nodes respiratory infection
Enlarged, non-tender lymph nodes malignancy, HIV
PERRLA pupils, equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
Tracheal shift towards atelectasis
Tracheal shift away pneumothorax, pleural effusion, tumor
Two sterile preventative procedures tracheostomy care, open suctioning
Most common method for disinfection pasteurization
Neutropenic immunosuppressed patient
Contact direct and indirect
Droplet 3-6 feet distance, cough, sneeze, talking, rhinovirus, influenza, rubella
Airborne hangs in air longer, legionellosis, TB, varicella
Vehicle waterborne, foodborne
Vector insect
What do we identify when incident occurs identify who is involved (name and ID), identify witnesses
What 3 places can information about chemicals in hospital be found MSDS, Bioenvironmental, CDC
Created by: hspointon
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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