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Theatre exam

Stack #186486

2 most important elements of theatre actors & audience
2 parts of angels in america Millenium approaches Perestroika
Angels in america is by... Tony Kushner
4 wastes of clothing conspicuous consumptionconspicuous wasteconspicuous leisurevicarious consumption
reasons to wear clothes 1) utility,2) social power,3) seduction
given circumstances of costume 1) previous action,2) environmental facts -politics -religious -social -geographic,3) polar attitude (personal vs. political)
costume design speaker Martin Thaler
Production concepts for cabaret 1) images of hell,2) burlesque,3) present in technical way
director of cabaret greg ramos
what is acting in quotes? standing both inside and outside the character
who was Bertolt Brecht? director/playwrightgerman expressionistencouraged analysis rather than emotion
who was Robert Wilson? director, used total theatre (LARGE ELEMENTS)
who was Eugene O'Neill experimented with form.believed humans are decieving themselves with illusions
"The Chairs" by Eugene Ionesco,absurdism
"Machinal" sophie treadwell,expressionism
"The Breasts of Tiresias" Guillaume Apollinaire,surrealism
"The Intruder" Maurice Maeterlinck,symbolism: symbolic of the arrival of death
"Pere Ubu" Alfred Jerry,symbolism
absurdism there is no meaning in the universe or humanity
expressionism german, machines,light and dark,nightmare,distorted sets
Dadaism "art is shit and we shit in many colors"breaks all rules
surrealism dream-like, imaginative, subconsciousness
symbolism representational.behind all appearances are hidden truths and meanings
5 parts of theatricalism Surrealism, symbolism, dadaism, expressionism, absurdism
European realists Ibsen (a doll's house)Strindberg,Chekov
American realists Hellman (the children's hour)Williams,Miller
Realism tackles social and personal issues
1850's-1950's realist movements 1)Freud (psychoanalysis), 2) Darwin, 3) Marx (Socialism), 4) Mendel (geneticist), 5) Lincoln, 6) women's suffrage
Actor's equity 1930's movement for health benefits and pension for actors
presentational acting non-realistic, audience interaction
representational acting realistic
acting guest speaker Peter Tkatch
external acting using conscious choices about language
internal acting connect with characters emotionally
pump/water represents tears, connection to underworld, purifying, cleansing
"givens" of set of euridice elevator, string room, pump
set of euridice grand central station
director of euridice sarah carleton
staging arranging the actors to show their relationship by separation, elevation, etc.
4 approaches to directing work with actors/playwright, work with other materials, use text, direct own work.
director author of stage action. decides interpretation and style.
lighting does 4 things... draw attention to idea, set the mood, create 3D, allows us to see.
lighting controls intensity, direction, color, texture, movement.
lighting speaker john forbes
lighting portrays mood, focus, time of day, visibility.
costume describes psychology of character, time, place, social status.
5 lighting tools side light, follow spots, gels, stencils, backlighting
scene design speaker Jeff Modereger
stage design began when? rennaisance & baroque
arena stage surrounding stage
thrust stage audience on 3 sides.
proscenium theatre rectangular, stage at one end.
Beijing opera confuscious, family, myths & legends
medieval theatre catholic church, guilds, story, special effects
elizabethan theatre inherited from green & medieval, power struggles of kings.
community aesthetics nature of elements that construct the performance
Meyerhold murdered for unacceptable theatre styles
internal rythym conflict, rising tension, climax, resolution
spectacle acting style & blocking, special effects (least important)
music comment on character situations, or between scenes
language defines characters. shows authenticity
character actions, motives, history, vocab, & reactions
plot "spine" of play. action, events, outcomes, changes.
aristotle's dramatic structure plot, character, thought, language (text)music, spectacle (performance)
greek theatre 5th century BCE,
Frances McDormand movie actress
Neil Marcus overcame disability by acting
Anna Smith changed character through costume & language
Bill Irwin physical comedist, no speaking
Asimali storytelling to audience
kabuki (ongata) female impersonator
bunraku puppets
communitas sense of community
3 things that theatre and ritual both do tell story, explain whats going on, control environment
ritual breach, liminality, resolution
theatrical conventions contract that the audience will believe throuh masks, costumes, music, text, etc.
what distinguishes drama from a novel? action
Caryl Churchill crossgender/non-traditional casting and contemporary/historical characters
Created by: mia_676
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