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Spinal Stabilization

Clin Skills II

coxa vara smaller angle; angle <120 degrees; genu valgum; increased stress on femoral neck; decreased stress on femoral head
coxa valga larger angle; angle >135 degrees; genu varum; increased stress on femoral head; decreased stress on femoral neck
genu valgum longer, weaker hip abductors; pes planus- flat foot; increased stress on medial knee soft tissue; increased stress on lateral bony structures
genu varum shorter, tighter hip abductors; pes cavus- pronated foot; increased stress on lateral knee soft tissue; increased stress on medial bony structures
pes planus flat foot
pes cavus pronated foot
genu recurvatum knee hyperextension; increases anterior pelvic tilt; compensatory posture: PPT w/ swayback; increased stress on post knee soft tissue; increased stress on ant knee bony structures
lower quarter tight postural muscles tonic muscles; erector spinae; QL; iliopsoas; TFL; piriformis; rectus femoris; hamstrings; gastroc-soleus
lower quarter weak postural muscles phasic muscles; rectus abdominus; gluteal muscles; vastus medialis & lateralis; tibialis anterior
upper quarter tight postural muscles pec minor; upper trap; levator; SCM; scalenes; sub-occipitals
upper quarter weak postural muscles serratus anterior; middle trap; rhomboids; lower trap; upper limb extensors; short cervical flexors
core stabilizers inner, deeper muscles; lumbar multifidi; transversus abdominus; internal obliques
stasis sensitivity hard time sitting still in a stable, static posture; usually hypermobile or unstable; sleep difficult; stabilization & aerobic exercises reduce symptoms
weight-bearing sensitivity tend to use load-reducing maneuvers; exercises that unload or distract spine
rectus abdominis provides stability w/ extension of spine
internal & external obliques controls against external loads that would cause extension or lateral flexion of the spine
transversus abdominis creates tension via thoracolumbar fascia & increases intra-abdominal pressure to provide segmental stability to spine
quadratus lumborum frontal & saggital plane stability; deep fibers provide segmental stability to lumbar vertebrae
multifidus stabilizes spine against flexion, rotation, & contralateral side flexion; segmental stability to lumbar vertebrae
superficial erector spinae muscles antagonist to gravity; controls forward bending movements; global stability to trunk by preventing trunk from falling over
iliopsoas iliacus- stabilizes pelvis & hip joints psoas major- assists in stabilizing lumbar spine in frontal plane
SCM & scalenes balance head on thorax against grav when center of body mass is post
upper trap & cervical erector spinae same as above except when center of body mass is ant
longus colli & rectus capitis ant & lateralis segmental stability to cervical spine
Created by: MeganFultz2
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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