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Psychology 122

chapter 12

Social Psychology The branch or psychology that studies how people think, feel, and behave in social situations.
Social Cognition The mental processes people use to make sense out of their social environment.
Social Influence The effect of situational factors and other people on an individual’s behavior.
Person Perception The mental processes we use to form judgments and draw conclusions about the characteristics and motives of other people.
Social Norms The “rules”, or expectations, for appropriate behavior in a particular social situation.
Social Categorization The mental process of categorizing people into groups (or social categories) on the basis of their shared characteristics.
Implicit Personality Theory A network of assumptions or beliefs about the relationships among various types of people, traits, and behaviors.
Attribution The mental process of inferring the causes of people’s behavior, including one’s own. Also refers to the explanation made for a particular behavior.
Fundamental Attribution Error The tendency to attribute the behavior of others to internal, personal characteristics, while ignoring or underestimating the effects of external, situational factors; an attributional bias that is common in individualistic cultures.
Blaming the Victim The tendency to blame an innocent victim of misfortune for having somehow caused the problem or for not having taken steps to avoid or prevent it.
Just-World Hypothesis The assumption that the world is fair and that therefore people get what they deserve and deserve what they get.
Actor-Observer Discrepancy The tendency to attribute one’s own behavior to external, situational causes, while attributing behavior of others to internal, personal causes; especially likely to occur with regard to behaviors that lead to negative outcomes.
Self-Serving Bias The tendency to attribute successful outcomes of one’s own behavior to internal cause and unsuccessful out comes to external, situational causes.
Attitude A learned tendency to evaluate some object, person, or issue in a particular way; such evaluations may be positive, negative or ambivalent.
Cognitive Dissonance An unpleasant state of psychological tension or arousal (dissonance) that occurs when two thoughts or perceptions (cognitions) are inconsistent; typically results from the awareness that attitudes and behavior are in conflict.
Prejudice A negative attitude toward people who belong to a specific social group.
Stereotype A cluster of characteristics that are associated with all members of a specific social group, often including qualities that are unrelated to the objective criteria that define the group.
In-Group A social group to which one belongs.
Out-Group A social group to which one does not belongs.
Out–Group Homogeneity Effect The tendency to see members of out-groups as very similar to one another.
In-Group Bias The tendency to judge the behavior of in-group members favorably and out-group members unfavorably.
Ethnocentrism The belief that one’s own culture or ethnic group is superior to all others and the related tendency to use one’s own culture as a standard by which to judge all other cultures.
Conformity The tendency to adjust one’s behavior, attitudes, or beliefs to a groups norms in response to real or imagined group pressure.
Normal Social Influence Behavior that is motivated by the desire to gain social acceptance and approval.
Informational Social Influence Behavior that is motivated by the desire to be correct.
Obedience The performance or an action in response to direct orders of an authority or person of higher status.
Altruism Helping another person with no expectation of personal reward or benefit.
Prosocial Behavior Any behavior that helps another, whether the underlying motive is self-serving or selfless.
Bystander Effect A phenomenon in which the greater number of people present, the less likely each individual is to help someone in distress.
Diffusion of Responsibility A phenomenon in which the presence of other people makes it less likely that any individual will help someone in distress because the obligation to intervene is shared among all the onlookers.
Social Loafing The tendency to expend less effort on a task when it is in a group effort.
Social Facilitation The tendency for the presence of other people to enhance individual performance.
Deindividuation The reduction or self-awareness and inhibitions that can occur when a person is part of a group whose members feel anonymous.
Persuasion The deliberate attempt to influence the attitudes or behavior of another person in a situation which that person has some freedom of choice.
Solomon Asch (1907-1996) American social psychologist who is best known for his pioneering studies of conformity.
John M. Darley (b.1937) Contemporary American social psychologist who, along with co-researcher Bibb Latane, is best known for his pioneering studies of bystander intervention in emergency situations.
Bibb Latane (b.1937) Contemporary American social psychologist who, along with co-researcher John M. Darley, is best known for his pioneering studies of bystander intervention in emergency situations.
Stanley Milgram (1933-1984) American social psychologist who is best known for his controversial series of studies of studies investigating destructive obedience to authority.
Muzafer Sherif (1906-1988) American social psychologist who is best known for his Robbers Cave experiments to study prejudice, conflict resolution, and group processes.
Created by: SaraMcKenzie
Popular Psychology sets




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