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Geographers World

The 6 essential elements of geography -The world in spatial terms -Places and regions -Physical systems -Human systems -Environment and society -The uses of geography
The world in spatial terms Location is important because it tells you were things are, which helps you develop a sense of awareness of the world where you live.
Places and regions Places help you know the geographic location, what it looks like, climate, and other important characteristics while regions help organize things for geographers.
Physical systems This helps geographers see the texture and animal life of the earth.
Human systems This helps geographers see how humans have changed and developed the world and they closely watch the movement of people, ideas, and goods.
Environment and society Geographers see how people treat the environment and how what they do differs it.
The uses of geography To understand more about the earth and the things inside it, geographers study the earth to be ready for what the future could surprise us with.
Basin A bowl-shaped depression, or hollow, in earth's surface.
Bay Part of a large body of water that extends into a shoreline; generally smaller than a gulf.
Canyon A deep and narrow valley with steep walls.
Delta A triangle-shaped deposit of sand and sediment that occurs where a river flows into an ocean.
Gulf A large inlet of the sea that cuts into land; generally larger and more deeply indented than a bay.
Island A land area, smaller than a continent, that is surrounded by water.
Isthmus A narrow strip of land that connects two larger landmasses.
Lake A sizable inland body of water.
Mountain range A series of connected mountains.
Peninsula A long, narrow stretch of land that is surrounded by water on three sides.
Plain An area of level land, usually at a low elevation and often covered with grasses.
Plateau A raised area of land, such as a hill or mountain, with a flat top.
River A large natural stream of water that runs through the land.
Strait A narrow stretch of water joining two larger bodies of water.
Tributary A stream or river that flows into a larger stream or river; a branch of a stream or river.
Volcano A mountain created as liquid rock or ash erupts from inside the earth.
How many kinds of thematic maps are there? 5
Physical features The names locations, and shapes of land forms and water bodies.
Climate zones Earth's climate zones. Each zone has a particular pattern of precipitation and temperature.
Vegetation zones Where plants grow by dividing the world into vegetation zones. In each zone, a certain mix of plants has adapted to similar conditions.
Population density Population density, or how crowded places are. It also shows information about population patterns.
Economics activity Land use, which is how people use land to meet their needs. It might also show the locations of important resources.
Absolute location The precise point where a place is located on earth.
Distortion A change in the shape, size, or position of a place when it is shown on a map.
Map projection A way of presenting the spherical earth on a flat surface.
Relative location Where a place is located in relation to another place.
Climate Long term patterns of weather.
Economic activity Focuses on the ways people produce, buy, and sell goods and services.
Land form A natural feature of the earth's surface.
Physical feature Natural parts of earth's surface.
Population density Number of people per unit of area. Measures how crowded an area is.
Region An area defined by one or more natural or cultural characteristics that set it apart from other areas.
Thematic map Presents information related to only one theme or topic.
Vegetation Trees and other plants.
Season theory Seasons change due to light from the sun pointing in different directions during the whole year. Sun pointing directly on the northern and southern hemisphere causes summer and winter. Sun pointing indirectly causes spring and fall.
Created by: 1962116900
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