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RADT 465: Procedures

ARRT registry review covering Image Procedures

What body habitus is characterized by the following: large and heavy body, bondy framework thick, short and wide, lungs and heart high, stomach transverse, gallbladder high and lateral, colon peripheral? hypersthenic (Lang Prep, 78)
What body habitus is characterized by the following: slender and light body, delicate and bony framework, long and narrow thorax, very low and long stomach, low and medial gallbladder, low, medial and redundant colon? Asthenic (Lang Prep, 78)
What body habitus is characterized by the following: average and athletic build? Sthenic (Lang Prep, 78)
What body habitus is characterized by the following: slighter, less robust? Hyposthenic (Lang Prep, 78)
What plane divides the body into left and right halves? midsagittal or median sagittal plane (MSP) (Lang Prep, 81)
What plane runs parallel to the MSP? sagittal plane (Lang Prep, 81)
What plane divides the body into anterior and posterior halves? midcoronal plane (MCP) (Lang Prep, 81)
What plane runs parallel to the MCP? coronal plane (Lang Prep, 81)
What plane is perpendicular to the MSP and MCP and divides the body axially into superior and inferior portions? transverse/horizontal plane (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the mastoid process? C1 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the thyroid cartilage? C5 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the vertebral prominens? C7 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the jugular (suprasternal) angle? T2-3 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the sternal angle? T4-5 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the inferior angle of the scapula? T7-8 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the xiphoid process? T9 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the Xiphoid tip? T10 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level are the kidneys? T12-L3 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the transpyloric plane? TL1 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the inferior coastal margin? L3 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the umbilicus? L3-4 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the ASIS? S1-2 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the iliac crest? L4 (Lang Prep, 81)
What level is the symphysis pubis and greater trochanter? coccyx (Lang Prep, 81)
What is abduction? movement of a part away from the body's MSP (Lang Prep, 84)
What is adduction? movement of a part towards the body's MSP (Lang Prep, 84)
What is eversion? a turning outward or lateral motion of an articulation (Lang Prep, 84)
What is inversion? a turning inward or medial motion of an articulation (Lang Prep, 84)
What is the single most important way to reduce involuntary motion? shortest posible exposure time (Lang Prep, 87)
What is the single most important way to reduce voluntary motion? good communication (Lang Prep, 87)
What are the functions of the skeletal system? support, reservoir for minerals, protection, hematopoiesis, muscle attachment/movement (Lang Prep, 91)
What is the study of bones? osteology (Lang Prep, 91)
How many bones are in the human adult system? 206 bones (Lang Prep, 91)
In what view of the shoulder will the greater tubercle be in profile laterally? external rotation (Lang Q&A, 102)
What fracture is when the splintered ends of bones are forced through the skin? Compound (Lang Q&A, 103)
What projection of the shoulder is used to demonstrate anterior or posterior dislocation? scapular Y (Lang Q&A, 103)
In what projection of the shoulder is there superimposition of the humeral head and glenoid fossa? AP (Lang Q&A, 105)
What term refers to structures closer to the point of attachment? proximal (Lang Q&A, 105)
What joint is a three-faceted articulation formed by the talus and the os calcis? talocalcaneal or subtalar (Lang Q&A, 109)
What is a primary malignant bone tumor that arises from bone marrow and occurs in children and young adults? Ewing sarcoma (Lang Q&A, 108)
What part of the spine has a lordotic curvature? cervical and lumbar (Lang Q&A, 108)
What method is used to detect early rheumatoid arthritis of the hand or fractures to the 5th MCP? ball-catchers (Norgaard method) (Lang Q&A, 110)
What projection if obtained using a horizontal beam? decubitus (Lang Q&A, 113)
What position best demonstrates the sternum? RAO (Lang Q&A, 112)
What is the inhalation of foreign substance such as water or food into the airway? aspiration (Lang Q&A, 115)
What is the difference between diarthrodial and synarthrodial joints? diarthrodial are freely movable and synarthrodial are immovable (amphiarthrodial are slightly moveable (Lang Q&A, 119)
Created by: haleygesselman
Popular Radiology sets




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